Simply Knitting

Cable & eyelet sweater

Pat Menchini’s latest jumper combines modern cable, lace and dreamy alpaca yarn with a classic shape



Cast on 107 (119: 131: 143: 155: 167) sts using 3.25mm needles and taking care to cast on evenly and not too tightly.

Row 1 (RS) K2, *P1, K1; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 2 (WS) K1, *P1, K1; rep from * to end. Work in rib another 7 rows, ending after a RS row.

Next row (WS) P1, pfb, purl to last 2 sts, pfb, P1. [109 (121: 133: 145: 157: 169) sts]


Change to 4mm needles.

Row 1 (RS) K4, (P1, k3tbl, P1, K7) 8 (9: 10: 11: 12: 13) times, P1, K3 tbl, P1, K4.

Row 2, 4 and 6 P5, (p3tbl, P9) 8 (9: 10: 11: 12: 13) times, p3tbl, P5. Row 3 K4, (P1, C3F, P1, K7) 8 (9: 10: 11: 12: 13) times, P1, C3F, P1, K4.

Row 5 As Row 1.

Row 7 K4, (P1, C3B, P1, K7) 8 (9: 10: 11: 12: 13) times, P1, C3B, P1, K4.

Row 8 (WS) As Row 2.

These 8 rows set cable patt.

Cont in cable patt until work meas 30cm, ending after a Row 6.


Row 1 (RS) K4, (P1, C3B, P1, K2, yo, sk2po, yo, K2) 8 (9: 10: 11: 12: 13) times, P1, C3B, P1, K4.

Row 2, 4 and 6 P5, (p3tbl, P9) 8 (9: 10: 11: 12: 13) times, p3tbl, P5. Row 3 K4, (P1, k3tbl, P1, K3, yo, skpo, K2) 8 (9: 10: 11: 12: 13) times, P1, k3tbl, P1, K4.

Row 5 K4, (P1, C3F, P1, K2, yo, sk2po, yo, K2) 8 (9: 10: 11: 12: 13) times, P1, C3F, P1, K4.

Row 7 As Row 3.

Row 8 (WS) As Row 2.

These 8 rows set patt.

Cont in patt until work meas 37cm, ending after a WS row.


Cast off 2 (3: 4: 4: 5: 6) sts at beg of next 2 rows. [105 (115: 125: 137: 147: 157) sts]

Row 1 (RS) K1, k2togtbl, patt to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. Row 2 (WS) K1, p2tog, patt to last 3 sts, p2togtbl, K1. Row 3 K1, k2togtbl, patt to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1.

Row 4 K1, P1, patt to last 2 sts, P1, K1.

Rep the last 4 rows another 0 (2: 5: 8: 10: 12) times. [99 (97: 89: 83: 81: 79) sts] **

"If you're looking for a modern classic then this jumper ticks all the boxes - it's worked in super - soft alpaca and introduces a new stitch pattern that's delicate and refined. "


Rep Rows 3 and 4 only until 45 (47: 49: 51: 53: 55) sts remain, ending after a Row 4.

Sl rem sts onto a stitch holder.


Work as for Back to **.

Cont in patt and cont shaping raglan as follows: rep Rows 3 and 4 only until 63 (67: 69: 73: 75: 77) sts remain, ending after a Row 4.


Note Read ahead; neck and raglan shaping are worked AT THE SAME TIME.

Next row (RS) K1, k2togtbl, patt 13 (14: 14: 15: 15: 15), turn and cont on these sts for left side neck and leaving rem 47 (50: 52: 55: 57: 59) sts on a stitch holder. [15 (16: 16: 17: 17: 17) sts]

***Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 5 rows, AT THE SAME TIME cont raglan shaping as before on RS rows. [8 (9: 9: 10: 10: 10) sts] Cont dec at raglan edge only as before on RS rows until 2 sts rem, ending after a WS row.

Cast off.


With RS facing, slip 31 (33: 35: 37: 39: 41) sts onto a stitch holder for neckband, rejoin yarn to rem sts and patt to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [15 (16: 16: 17: 17: 17) sts]

Complete as Left Neck from *** to end.


Cast on 41 (43: 45: 47: 49: 51) sts using 3.25mm needles and taking care to cast on evenly and not too tightly.

Work 9 rows in rib as for Back, ending after a RS row. Next row (WS) P1, pfb, purl to last 2 sts, pfb, P1. [43 (45: 47: 49: 51: 53) sts]


Change to 4mm needles.

Row 1 (RS) K13 (14: 15: 16: 17: 18), PM, P1, k3tbl, P1, K2, yo, sk2po, yo, K2, P1, k3tbl, P1, PM, K13 (14: 15: 16: 17: 18).

Row 2, 4 and 6 Purl to marker, sl SM, P1, p3tbl, P9, p3tbl, P1, sl SM, purl to end.

Row 3 Knit to marker, sl SM, P1, C3F, P1, K3, yo, skpo, K2, P1, C3F, P1, sl SM, knit to end.

Row 5 As Row 1, slipping markers.

Row 7 Knit to marker, sl SM, P1, C3B, P1, K3, yo, skpo, K2, P1, C3B, P1, sl SM, knit to end.

Row 8 (WS) Purl to marker, sl SM, P1, p3tbl, P9, p3tbl, P1, sl SM, purl to end.

These 8 rows form patt.

Cont in patt as set, inc 1 st at each end of next row, then every foll 8th (6th: 6th: 6th: 4th: 4th) row to 57 (53: 71: 65: 67: 81) sts, then every foll 10th (8th: 8th: 6th: 6th: 6th) row to 67 (73: 79: 85: 91: 97) sts.

Cont in patt a few rows straight until Sleeve meas 44 (44: 44: 46: 46: 46)cm, ending after a WS row.


Cast off 2 (3: 4: 4: 5: 6) sts at beg of next 2 rows. [63 (67: 71: 77: 81: 85) sts]

Row 1 K1, k2togtbl, work to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. Row 2 K1, P1, work to last 2 sts, P1, K1.

Row 3 K2, work to last 2 sts, K2.

Row 4 K1, P1, work to last 2 sts, P1, K1.

Rep the last 4 rows another 1 (2: 1: 0: 1: 2) times. [59 (61: 67: 75: 77: 79) sts]

Rep Rows 1 and 2 only until 9 (11: 11: 11: 13: 15) sts remain, ending after a Row 4.

Sl rem sts onto a spare needle or waste yarn.


Join all raglan seams except the right back raglan.

With RS facing and using 3.25mm needles, K45 (47: 49: 51: 53: 55) sts from Back holder, K9 (11: 11: 11: 13: 15) sts of left Sleeve, pick up and knit 13 (15: 15: 16: 16: 16) sts evenly down left front neck, K31 (33: 35: 37: 39: 41) sts from Front holder, pick up and knit 14 (16: 16: 17: 17: 17) sts evenly up right front neck, and K9 (11: 11: 11: 13: 15) sts of right Sleeve. [121 (133: 137: 143: 151: 159) sts]

Beg with a WS row, work 3 rows in rib as for Back, ending after a WS row.

Change to 3mm needles. Rib another 2 rows.

Cast off using picot cast-off method (see abbreviati­ons).


Weave in ends. Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band, pinning out round edges and picot points. Join right back raglan seam and edges of Neckband. Join side and Sleeve seams. Press seams.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? A perky picot pattern adds a pretty edge to this knit’s neckline
A perky picot pattern adds a pretty edge to this knit’s neckline
 ??  ?? King Cole’s Natural Alpaca DK is a light DK with a super-soft finish
King Cole’s Natural Alpaca DK is a light DK with a super-soft finish
 ??  ?? The cable and eyelet pattern continues along the length of the sleeves
The cable and eyelet pattern continues along the length of the sleeves
 ??  ?? A delicate nine rows of rib, loosely cast on, edges the base of this jumper perfectly
A delicate nine rows of rib, loosely cast on, edges the base of this jumper perfectly

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