Simply Knitting

Spring flower cardigan

A touch of extra detail can be the making of your garments – this simple cardigan by Siân Brown is decorated with sweet embroidery stitches



Cast on 94 (102: 106: 114: 118: 126) sts using 3.75mm needles. Rib row 1 (RS) K2, (P2, K2) to end.

Rib row 2 P2, (K2, P2) to end.

Rep the last 2 rows 4 times more, inc 3 (1: 3: 1: 3: 1) sts evenly across last row. [97 (103: 109: 115: 121: 127) sts]

Change to 4mm needles.

Beg with a RS row, work 6 rows in st st, ending after a WS row.


Dec row (RS) K7, skpo, knit to last 9 sts, k2tog, K7. [2 sts dec’d] Work 7 rows straight.

Rep the last 8 rows another 4 times and the dec row again. [85 (91: 97: 103: 109: 115) sts]

Work 15 (15: 17: 17: 19: 19) rows straight, ending after a WS row.

Inc row (RS) K7, M1, knit to last 7 sts, M1, K7. [2 sts inc’d] Work 5 rows straight.

Rep the last 6 rows 4 times more and the inc row again. [97 (103: 109: 115: 121: 127) sts]

Cont straight until Back measures 39 (40: 40: 40: 41: 42)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Cast off 4 (5: 6: 7: 8: 9) sts at beg of next 2 rows.

[89 (93: 97: 101: 105: 109) sts]

Next row (RS) K2, skpo, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2. [2 sts dec’d] Next row Purl to end.

Rep the last 2 rows another 25 (26: 27: 28: 29: 30) times.

[37 (39: 41: 43: 45: 47) sts]


Row 1 (RS) Knit to end, increasing 1 st at centre of row.

[38 (40: 42: 44: 46: 48) sts]

Row 2 P0 (1: 0: 1: 0: 1), K2, (P2, K2) to last 0 (1: 0: 1: 0: 1) sts, P0 (1: 0: 1: 0: 1).

Row 3 K0 (1: 0: 1: 0: 1), P2, (K2, P2) to last 0 (1: 0: 1: 0: 1) sts, K0 (1: 0: 1: 0: 1).

Rep Rows 2 and 3 twice more and Row 2 again.

Cast off in rib.


Cast on 47 (51: 51: 55: 59: 63) sts with 3.75mm needles. Rib row 1 (RS) *K2, P2; rep from * to last 3 sts, K3.

Rib row 2 P3, *K2, P2; rep from * to end.

Rep the last 2 rows another 4 times, inc 1 (0: 3: 2: 1: 0) sts evenly across last row. [48 (51: 54: 57: 60: 63) sts]

Change to 4mm needles.

Beg with a RS (knit) row, work 6 rows in st st, ending after a WS row.


Dec row (RS) K7, skpo, knit to end. [1 st dec’d]

Work 7 rows straight.

Rep the last 8 rows another 4 times and the dec row again. [42 (45: 48: 51: 54: 57) sts]

Work 15 (15: 17: 17: 19: 19) rows straight.

Inc row (RS) K7, M1, knit to end. [1 st inc’d]

Work 5 rows straight.

Rep the last 6 rows another 4 times and the inc row again. [48 (51: 54: 57: 60: 63) sts]

Cont straight until Front measures 39 (40: 40: 40: 41: 42)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Next row (RS) Cast off 4 (5: 6: 7: 8: 9) sts, knit to end.

[44 (46: 48: 50: 52: 54) sts]

Next row Purl.

Next row K2, skpo, knit to last 2 sts, skpo. [2 sts dec’d]

Next row Purl.

Rep the last 2 rows another 14 (15: 16: 17: 18: 19) times. [14 sts]


Next row (RS) K2, skpo, knit to end. [1 st dec’d] Next row Purl to end.

Rep the last 2 rows another 10 times. [3 sts] Leave these sts on a holder.


Cast on 47 (51: 51: 55: 59: 63) sts with 3.75mm needles. Rib row 1 (RS) K3, *P2, K2; rep from * to end.

Rib row 2 *P2, K2; rep from * to last 3 sts, P3.

Rep the last 2 rows another 4 times, inc 1 (0: 3: 2: 1: 0) sts evenly across last row. [48 (51: 54: 57: 60: 63) sts]

Change to 4mm needles.

Beg with a RS row, work 6 rows in st st, ending after a WS row.


Dec row (RS) Knit to last 9 sts, k2tog, K7. [1 st dec’d] Work 7 rows straight.

Rep the last 8 rows another 4 times and the dec row again. [42 (45: 48: 51: 54: 57) sts]

Work 15 (15: 17: 17: 19: 19) rows straight.

Inc row (RS) Knit to last 7 sts, M1, K7. [1 st inc’d] Work 5 rows straight.

Rep the last 6 rows another 4 times and the inc row again. [48 (51: 54: 57: 60: 63) sts]

Cont straight until Front measures 39 (40: 40: 40: 41: 42)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Work 1 row straight.


Next row (WS) Cast off 4 (5: 6: 7: 8: 9) sts, purl to end.

[44 (46: 48: 50: 52: 54) sts]

Next row K2tog, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2. [2 sts dec’d] Next row Purl.

Rep the last 2 rows another 14 (15: 16: 17: 18: 19) times. [14 sts]


Next row (RS) Knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2. [1 st dec’d] Next row Purl.

Rep the last 2 rows another 10 times. [3 sts] Leave these sts on a holder.


Cast on 46 (50: 54: 58: 62: 66) sts with 3.75mm needles.

Rib row 1 K2, (P2, K2) to end.

Rib row 2 P2, (K2, P2) to end.

Rep the last 2 rows another 4 times, inc 1 st at centre of last row. [47 (51: 55: 59: 63: 67) sts]

Change to 4mm needles.

Beg with a RS row, work 2 rows in st st, ending after a WS row.

Inc row K3, M1, patt to 3 sts, M1, K3. [2 sts inc’d] Work 9 rows straight.

Rep the last 10 rows another 9 times and the inc row again. [69 (73: 77: 81: 85: 89) sts]

Cont straight until Sleeve measures 46cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Cast off 4 (5: 6: 7: 8: 9) sts at beg of next 2 rows.

[61 (63: 65: 67: 69: 71) sts]

Next row K2, skpo, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2. [2 sts dec’d] Next row Purl to end.

Rep the last 2 rows another 17 (18: 19: 20: 21: 22) times. [25 sts]

Next row K2, skpo, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2. [2 sts dec’d] Work 3 rows straight.

Rep the last 4 rows another 3 times. [17 sts]

Leave these sts on a holder.


With RS facing, using 3.75mm needles, from Sleeve, K15, skpo, from Left Front sts on holder, k2tog, K1, then pick up and K46 (48: 50: 52: 54: 56) sts down left front edge to end of neck shaping, then pick up and knit 91 (92: 91: 92: 91: 92) sts to cast-on edge. [155 (158: 159: 162: 163: 166) sts]

Row 1 P1, *K2, P2; rep from * to last 2 (1: 2: 1: 2: 1) sts, K2 (1: 2: 1: 2: 1).

Row 2 P2 (1: 2: 1: 2: 1), *K2, P2; rep from * to last st, P1.

Rep Rows 1 and 2 twice more and Row 1 again.

Cast off in rib.


With RS facing, using 3.75mm needles, pick up and knit 91 (92: 91: 92: 91: 92) sts up right front edge to beg of neck shaping then pick up and knit 46 (48: 50: 52: 54: 56) sts along right front neck, from Right Front sts on holder, K1, skpo, then from Sleeve, k2tog, K15. [155 (158: 159: 162: 163: 166) sts]

Row 1 K2 (1: 2: 1: 2: 1), *P2, K2; rep from * to last st, P1.

Row 2 P1, *P2, K2; rep from * to last 2 (1: 2: 1: 2: 1) sts, P2 (1: 2: 1: 2: 1).

These 2 rows form the rib.

Work 1 row.

Buttonhole row Rib 3, (k2tog, yrn, rib 14) five times, k2tog, yrn, rib to end.

Rib 3 rows.

Cast off in rib.


Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any instructio­ns on the ball band.

Embroider the pieces, following the diagrams for the embroidery and using image as a guide for placement.

Join raglan and neckband seams. Join side and Sleeve seams. Sew on buttons.

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The pretty detail added to the cardigan is a mix of simple embroidery stitches
The pretty detail added to the cardigan is a mix of simple embroidery stitches
 ??  ?? Cascade 220 Superwash Merino creates neat defined stitches that are ideal for simple shapes
Cascade 220 Superwash Merino creates neat defined stitches that are ideal for simple shapes

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