Simply Knitting



Next row (RS) K1, ssk, K11 and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. 13 sts.

Work 1 row.

Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll alt row AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st at armhole edge of 2nd and foll 3 alt rows. [2 sts]

Work 1 row.

Next row K2tog.

Fasten off.

Slip centre 14 (14: 18: 18) sts onto another holder (for Neckband). Rejoin yarn to rem sts with RS facing and knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [13 sts]

Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll alt row AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st at armhole edge of 2nd and foll 3 alt rows. [2 sts]

Work 1 row.

Next row K2tog.

Fasten off.



8 rows Yarn C.

8 rows Yarn A.

8 rows Yarn C.

8 rows Yarn A. Continue using Yarn C to end.

Cast on 38 (38: 42: 46) sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A. Rows 1 to 10 *K2, P2; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2.

Change to 4mm needles and Yarn C.

Beg with a knit row, work 4 (4: 6: 6) rows in st st (count as first 4 (4: 6: 6) rows of stripe sequence) .

Cont to work in Stripe sequence, AT THE SAME TIME shaping as folls:


Row 1 K2, M1, knit to last 2 sts, M1, K2. [40 sts] Rows 2 to 4 Beg with a purl row, work in st st. Repeat last 4 rows once more. [42 sts]


Next row K2, M1, knit to last 2 sts, M1, K2. [2 sts inc’d]

Beg with a purl row work 5 rows in st st.

Repeat last 6 rows 6 (10: 9: 4) more times. [56 (60: 62: 56) sts]

Next row K2, M1, knit to last 2 sts, M1, K2. [2 sts inc’d] Beg with a purl row, work 7 rows in st st.

Repeat last 8 rows 0 (0: 1: 6) more times. [58 (62: 66: 70) sts]

Continue to work in stocking stitch as set until Sleeve measures 28 (32: 36: 40)cm from cast-on edge.


Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. [52 (56: 60: 64) sts]

Dec 1 st at each end of next 5 (5: 5: 7) rows, then on foll 12 (12: 14: 14) alt rows. [18 (22: 22: 22) sts]

Work 1 row, ending with a WS row.


Dec 1 st at each end of next row, then cast off 5 sts at beg of foll row. [11 (15: 15: 15) sts]

Dec 1 st at beg of next row, then cast off 5 (7: 7: 7) sts at beg of foll row.


Cast off 6 sts at beg and dec 1 st at end of next row.

[11 (15: 15: 15) sts]

Work 1 row.

Cast off 5 (7: 7: 7) sts at beg and dec 1 st at end of next row. Work 1 row.


Cast off rem 5 (7 :7: 7) sts.


Join both front and right back raglan seams only.

With RS facing and using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A, pick up and knit 14 (19: 19: 19) sts from top of left Sleeve, and 10 sts down left side of front neck, knit across 14 (14: 18: 18) sts on front holder, pick up and knit 10 sts up right side of front neck, and 14 (19: 19: 19) sts from top of right Sleeve, then pick up and knit 30 (28: 32: 32) sts across back. [90 (98: 106: 106) sts]

Beg with Row 2, work in 2x2 rib as Back, for 7 rows, ending with a WS row.

Cast off using Elizabeth Zimmerman’s sewn bind off as folls:

Cut a length of yarn approx 3 times the length of your work and thread into a tapestry needle. Holding the knitting needle with the stitches in the left hand and the tapestry needle in your right hand:

*Insert the tapestry needle into the first 2 sts on the knitting needle as if to purl and draw the length of yarn all the way through. Without taking the sts off the LH needle, insert the tapestry needle into the first st on the knitting needle again as if to knit, draw the yarn through and slip the stitch off.

Rep from * until all sts are cast off.


Cast on 22 sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn B.

Rows 1 to 3 Knit.

Change to Yarn D

Row 4 (WS) Purl

Row 5 K1, (K1, ssk) 3 times, K2, (k2tog, K1) 3 times, K1. [16 sts] Row 6 Purl.

Row 7 K1, (K1, ssk) twice, K2, (k2tog, K1) twice, K1. [12 sts]

Row 8 Purl.

Row 9 (Ssk) 3 times, (k2tog) 3 times. [6 sts]

Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off with sts to secure.


Cast on 7 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn A. Rows 1 to 5 Beg with a purl row, work in st st. Row 6 Ssk, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog. [5 sts] Rows 7 to 9 Beg with a purl row, work in st st. Row 10 Ssk, K1, k2tog. [3 sts]

Row 11 Purl.

Row 12 S2kpo.

Fasten off rem st.


Cast on 19 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn D.

Row 1 (WS) Purl.

Row 2 K2, (M1, K1) 14 times, M1, K3. [34 sts]

Rows 3 to 5 Beg with a purl row, work in st st.

Row 6 K3, (M1, K2) 14 times, M1, K3. [49 sts]

Rows 7 to 21 Beg with a purl row, work in st st.

Row 22 K2, ssk, K19, s2kpo, K19, k2tog, K2. [45 sts]

Row 23 Purl.

Row 24 K2, ssk, K14, k2tog, K5, ssk, K14, k2tog, K2. [41 sts] Row 25 Purl.

Row 26 K2, ssk, K12, k2tog, K5, ssk, K12, k2tog, K2. [37 sts] Cast off loosely.


Cast on 11 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn E. Row 1 (WS) Purl.

Row 2 Ssk, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog. [9 sts] Row 3 Purl.

Repeat Rows 2 and 3 until 5 sts rem.

Row 8 Ssk, K1, k2tog. [3 sts]

Row 9 Sl 1, p2tog, psso. [1 st]

Fasten off rem st.


Cast on 7 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn D.

Row 1 and all WS rows Purl.

Row 2 K2, M1, knit to last 2 sts, M1, K2. [2 sts inc’d]

Row 4 As Row 2. [11 sts]

Row 6 As Row 2. [13 sts]

Rows 7 to 13 Beg with a purl row, work in st st.

Row 14 K2, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2. [2 sts dec’d] Row 16 As Row 14. [9 sts]

Row 17 Purl.

Cast off.


Cast on 5 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn E. Row 1 (WS) Purl.

Row 2 Knit.

Row 3 Purl.

Row 4 Sl1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [7 sts]

Rows 5 to 7 Beg with a purl row, work in st st. Row 8 Sl1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [5 sts] Row 9 Purl.

Cast off.



Cast on 3 sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn D. Row 1 (WS) Purl.

Row 2 K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [5 sts]

Row 3 Purl.

Row 4 Ssk, knit to last st, k2tog. [3 sts]

Row 5 Purl.

Cast off.


Cast on 7 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn D. Row 1 (WS) Purl.

Row 2 K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [9 sts] Row 3 Purl.

Row 4 K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [11 sts] Row 5 Purl.

Row 6 Ssk, knit to last st, k2tog. [9 sts]

Row 7 Purl.

Row 8 Ssk, knit to last st, k2tog. [7 sts]

Row 9 Purl.

Row 10 Ssk, knit to last st, k2tog. [5 sts] Cast off.


Use image as guide. Sew Pupils onto Eyes and embroider a small white dot. Sew Eyes onto Front of Jumper. Sew on Hair Spikes and Muzzle, add a little toy stuffing to the upper edge of each side of the Muzzle to form cheeks before sewing all the way around the Muzzle, if you like. Sew on Nose and embroider whiskers, mouth and front seam from bottom of Nose to Mouth. Join left back raglan and Neckband seam. Using the image as a guide sew on the Ears and Paw Print, join side and Sleeve seams. Block.

 ??  ?? Cute paw prints are knitted separately and sewn onto the jumper at elbow height
Cute paw prints are knitted separately and sewn onto the jumper at elbow height
 ??  ?? Many of the facial features of this super-cute jumper are knitted separately and sewn on afterwards
Many of the facial features of this super-cute jumper are knitted separately and sewn on afterwards

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