Simply Knitting




Cast on 35 sts using long-tail cast on with 4mm needles and Yarn A. You can find a tutrial here:

Start at the top of the roof.

Row 1 (RS) *K1, P1; rep from * to last st, K1.

Row 2 *P1, K1; rep from * to last st, P1.

Rows 3 to 20 Rep Rows 1 and 2 nine more times.

Row 21 Kfb, *P1, K1; rep from * to last 2 sts, P1, kfb. [37 sts]

Row 22 P1, *P1, K1; rep from * to last 2 sts, P2.

Row 23 Kfb, *K1, P1; rep from * to last 2 sts, K1, kfb. [39 sts] Row 24 *P1, K1; rep from * to last st, P1.

Row 25 Rep Row 21. [41 sts]

Rows 26 and 27 Rep Rows 22 and 23. [43 sts]

Row 28 *P1, K1; rep from * to last st, P1.

Row 29 *K1, P1; rep from * to last st, K1.

Rows 30 to 55 Rep Rows 28 and 29 thirteen more times.

Row 56 Knit.

Break Yarn A and join Yarn B.

Rows 57 to 103 Starting with a knit row work in st st. Place a SM at each end of the last row to mark the corners.


Rows 104 to 150 Starting with a purl row work in st st. Row 151 *K1, P1; rep from * to last st, K1.

Row 152 *P1, K1; rep from * to last st, P1.

Rows 153 to 156 Rep Rows 151 and 152 twice more. Cast off in rib.


Cast on 35 sts using long-tail cast on with 4mm needles and Yarn A. Start at the top of the roof.

Rows 1 to 55 As for Front Cover Rows 1 to 55. [43 sts]

Row 56 *P1, K1; rep from * to last st, P1. Cast off in rib.


Cast on 12 sts using long-tail cast on with 4mm needles and Yarn C. Start at the bottom edge.

Rows 1 to 21 Starting with a purl row work in st st.

Cast off.


Cast on 13 sts using long-tail cast on with 4mm needles and Yarn D. Start at the bottom edge.

Rows 1 to 13 Starting with a purl row work in st st.

Cast off.


1 Fold the Front Cover with the stitch markers at the bottom corners, pin together and use mattress stitch to sew the side edges of the Front and Back together. Remove markers.

2 Pin the Back of Roof to the Front and sew the side edges together. Note that there is an overlap of the roof at the back for the opening. 3 Pin the Door onto the front of the cover, with the bottom left hand corner approx 6 stitches from the left hand edge and 5 rows up from the bottom folded edge. Sew on as you would a pocket. Repeat for the Window. The bottom left hand corner is approx 6 sts from the Door edge and 18 rows up from the bottom folded edge. 4 Using Yarn E and a running backstitch, embroider around the edges of the Windows and embroider a cross for the Window panes. 5 Embroider around the sides and top edge of the door. Weave in ends and block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

6 Sew a star shaped button onto the door for the handle.

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