Style Magazine

Wellbeing a holistic approach


What started as a hobby based on a passion for Jessica Ferriday has turned into a raging success.

Jess is the young face behind The Be Well Project, a wellbeing program utilising a blog, podcasts and soon-to-be videos. “We need to stop hating ourselves healthy,” Jess explains. “A lot of people think wellbeing is just about being fit and healthy or being on a good diet,” she said.

“People look at wellbeing and think ‘I’m overweight so I’m not really well’ or ‘I’m depressed so I’m not really well’, but those are just symptoms of not being well.”

Seeing those symptoms prompted the 25-year-old personal trainer to start educating about true wellbeing and to start a discussion that would inspire people to pursue it.

“The Be Well Project is something that’s been on my heart for a long time,” Jess explains.

“It came about because after 10 years in the [fitness] industry, I found there was no way to educate people on what wellbeing truly is.”

Jess believes wellbeing starts from within and works its way out.

“We’re a trinity of mind, body and spirit or soul, and people have disconnect­ed from that,” she says.

“Our minds and bodies are going a million miles per hour and our spirit can’t keep up, so we just kick it and say ‘come on, hurry up, we’re going this way’ — and we’re wondering why we’re unwell and struggling so much.

“It’s because we’re not in alignment, we’re not listening to our

Wellbeing isn’t your cholestero­l levels, wellbeing isn’t your weight, wellbeing isn’t what you look like — it starts from within and works its way out. – Jessica Ferriday

trinity any more.

“The Be Well Project is about getting people to connect with themselves again.”

Join the discussion by visiting www.thebewellp­ or check out the Facebook page The Be Well Project with Jess Ferriday.

Free podcasts are available on itunes and

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