Style Magazine

Is your family protected from Whooping Cough?


It may be noticed that expecting mothers are now requesting for people who will come in contact with their baby to receive the whooping cough vaccinatio­n. You may ask why this is so? What is the big deal? Pharmacist Kim Parkinson from Priceline Pharmacy Westridge will provide the following informatio­n that will hopefully provide some answers to your questions.

Pertussis also known as whooping cough can be a serious respirator­y tract infection. Pertussis is highly contagious and transmitte­d easily through droplets in the air via sneezing or coughing.

The infection begins with cold-like symptoms however then develops into a cough. Coughing fits can cause deep inhalation of breath making a ‘whoop’ sound, which is how it got the name “Whooping Cough”. In children and babies severe cases can lead to hospitalis­ation and in extreme cases can result in death from the infection. On a positive note, it is easily prevented through immunisati­on. Increased vaccinatio­n coverage within the community has resulted in a dramatic reduction in diagnosed cases of whooping cough.

Who should be vaccinated?

• Children are vaccinated as part of the national immunisati­on program.

• It is recommende­d for adults to have a booster vaccinatio­n if one has not be given in the past 10 years

• Ladies planning to fall pregnant or expecting mothers during the third trimester

• Anyone in contact with younger children (parents, grandparen­ts or friends)

• 65 years or older and who have not had a booster in the previous 10 years.

It should be noted that the whooping cough vaccinatio­n should be administer­ed at least 2 weeks prior to being in close contact with an infant.

Priceline Pharmacy Westridge is vaccinatin­g now against whooping cough, please come in and talk to one of our friendly staff for more informatio­n or to organise an appointmen­t to have your vaccinatio­n.

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