Style Magazine

Pair up to pare down


We are almost upon the wonderful holiday season.

This is the time of the year where people usually fall short in the gym and lose motivation to follow their routines.

With traveling interstate to different functions, family obligation­s and delicious meals, it comes as no surprise that belt lines tend to expand. Now the good news! The holiday kilos can be avoided by having the proper planning and program in place.

Follow these few simple steps to stay fit as you march into the holiday season.

Plan your training in advance

During the holidays our schedules tend to get pretty erratic with travel plans and family trips.

It’s good to plan your days away from the gym for recovery and amp up your training on the days you can train.

Work out early

During the holidays we tend to get time off from work, but family commitment­s increase. Use this to your advantage and hit the gym early. This will allow you to get your workout in while also giving you plenty of time for all your family and social activities.

Find a training partner

It’s always easier to complete a task when you have a partner in crime.

You will be less likely to skip a workout with the guilt of leaving your partner hanging.

Your friends at Southside Fitness Toowoomba welcome you to choose from our large range of equipment, accessorie­s and supplement­s, to help you achieve all your fitness goals this coming holiday season.

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