Style Magazine

Celebratin­g what makes us great


“What we do is an incredibly personal and challengin­g experience, and is certainly not on anyone’s bucket list,” says Best Wilson Buckley Family Law legal practice director Kara Best says.

“It is because of this that we understand that it takes exceptiona­l people to be exceptiona­l family lawyers, and why we celebrate the people we are lucky enough to work with every day, so we would like to introduce you to Toowoomba family lawyer, Neal Wood.”

Neal Wood is an associate at Best Wilson Buckley Family Law.

Neal has worked exclusivel­y in family law since his admission in 2008.

Prior to joining the Best Wilson Buckley Family Law team as an associate in early 2015, Neal worked exclusivel­y in dedicated family law firms in Brisbane.

He and his family made the move to Toowoomba from Brisbane in early 2015.

Why family law?

With so many areas of law involved, no two days or matters are the same.

What do you most look forward to in summer?

Long summer days — those extra few hours of sunshine in the early mornings and late afternoon make such a difference to being able to spend more time outside.

What song always makes you happy?

Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen.

What book is on the bedside table right now?

‘Solo — Lost at Sea’, the biography of adventurer Andrew Mcauley.

If you didn’t love the law where would you be?

Probably opening a café, restaurant or bar somewhere.

These days I just enjoy cooking, food and wine for the fun of it.

What is your favourite movie?

The original Bourne Trilogy, but if I had to pick one, The Bourne Identity.

Who would be your ultimate five dinner guests?

Will Anderson, Paul Kelly, Heston Blumenthal, Keira Knightly, and Uma Thurman.

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