Style Magazine

Be kind to yourself

Burning out doesn’t help anybody, least of all yourself!


It’s already November, and many of us have been left wondering where exactly the year has gone.

And while November is traditiona­lly the unofficial start of the end of year festivitie­s, with work Christmas parties blooming on the calendar like wildflower­s, there is one thing that seems to gather neglect at this time of year. And it is generally the female head of the household. While each home has its individual dynamic, there are still many women who take upon themselves the end of year tasks such as planning the family holidays, allocating the budget for hosting end of year festivitie­s, making the Christmas present list and much, much more.

So ladies... this is your instructio­n from November through to the New Year. Take. A. Break. Inhale a very large breath, put down the task at hand and realise that it will still be there in half an hour, a day or even a whole weekend’s time.

However long you feel you need for a proper time out and recharge, you should probably take it. Remember, nobody can achieve much if they are burnt out. Whatever floats your boat, strengthen­s your ying and deepens your yang, you owe it to yourself to find out and prioritse some time to enjoying exactly this.

Make a pot of tea and lie in the garden on a picnic blanket for an hour, just watching the birds.

Take yourself out to a movie you have been meaning to see for weeks.

Turn off your phone, pop cucumber slices on your eyes and flick on the foot spa for half an hour.

Remember, if the general is out of action, the whole army is in for a disastrous dawn!

 ??  ?? Even the toughest players need to call a time out sometimes
Even the toughest players need to call a time out sometimes

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