Style Magazine


Settling arrangemen­ts in a family law matter in the children’s best interests


With special occasions just around the corner (Christmas, holidays and the New Year) Parenting Plans are a way of managing these special occasions to include time with your children that is in the best interests of the children.

There are two options for settling arrangemen­ts for children in a family law matter – Parenting Plans and Parenting Orders.

The primary difference between a Parenting Order and a Parenting Plan, is an Order is easier to enforce in most cases.

If someone beaches an Order and the breach is significan­t enough, the other party is able to contravene them in court to seek remedy for the breach.

This, in most cases, cannot happen for a strict agreement formalised only as a Parenting Plan.

While Orders tend to remain, I believe, the first choice for most solicitors, in most cases the Parenting Plan can be of definite assistance when an unexpected occasion raises its head, or arrangemen­ts need to be changed, or where there may be urgency in formalisin­g arrangemen­ts. Once a Minute of Consent is signed by both parties, it will probably meet the requiremen­ts of a Parenting Plan, and may effectivel­y be one until Orders are made. Whether you already have orders in place, or no formal agreement in writing, a Parenting Plan is often the first step.

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