Sunday Territorian

Qantas grog ban

Terrorists targeting Oz


QANTAS has lifted security for its flights out of The Philippine­s, banning the purchase of liquids from airside duty-free shops in capital Manila and conducting its own “last line” bag searches amid fears ISIS jihadists could try to use the direct route to return to Australia or carry out an airborne act of terror.

The move follows an insurgency into that country by foreign-led terrorists who since May 23 have occupied a major city in the country’s south, leading to more than 550 deaths and the displaceme­nt of 200,000 people as the militants attempt to establish a new Islamic State front in South-East Asia.

Many of the estimated 50 foreign fighters involved in that conflict, including jihadists from the Middle East and Malaysia, flew into the country to capture the city on regular commercial flights.

The Sunday Territoria­n can reveal Australian Border Force has been quietly dispatchin­g officers to key air hubs all around the world, including Manila, to look at interdicti­on of those that pose a threat to national security and others such as Eastern European crime gangs and outlaw motor cycle groups.

It is understood the socalled airport liaison officers dispatched on three-month postings to physically scrutinise those persons boarding Australian-bound flights and check travel documents and bonafides have successful­ly turned away some suspects before they could board flights to Australia.

It is understood Australian intelligen­ce agencies two months ago flagged concerns the risk of returning jihadists had increased since the commenceme­nt in May of direct flights to The Philippine­s from Turkey, the latter being the main exit point for jihadists from the battlefiel­ds of Iraq and Syria.

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