Sunday Territorian

Free-range toddler takes fright at drowsy dog as gymwear mum leaps to wrong conclusion


I was at a local dog-friendly cafe having some breakfast with a pal and my dog Lou.

Lou’s leash was wrapped around my chair leg and she was napping under the table having given up on the hope she was going to be the lucky recipient of a food scrap.

While we were there a gorgeous little toddler was charging around the cafe making a general nuisance of herself.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, so just call me Aunty Jill because I’m here to help. Her parents were chowing down with their friends and had obviously adopted a free-range parenting style – which by the way – I think is fab. After up-ending a cup of water at a deserted table the little cherub toddled her way over towards our table she came up and started trying to put her sticky little fingers in my poached eggs.

I laughed and tried to have a bit of a chat with her but to be honest her contributi­on was limited and I don’t spend enough time with children to know what their little grunts and gurgles mean.

Lou woke from her slumber and decided to poke her head out from under the table to see who our new mate was.

The little girl hadn’t realised there was a sleeping doggo under the table and got a fright.

She squealed, walked backwards, fell over and started bawling.

I did my best to comfort her but was looking around for her mum when I saw her bounding towards me.

The lady, dressed head to toe in Lorna Jane, picked up her crying little bundle before telling me “control your dog”.

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