Sunday Territorian


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Aries Mar21-Apr20

April’s supermoon brings a climate in which honest conversati­ons can be conducted. It’s never easy telling a truth when you sense that the person you’re speaking to will find it difficult to hear; or, if you fear that you’ll be disadvanta­ged by their response. So, if you’re going to profit from the astrologic­al opportunit­ies this month, you need to find the confidence to rise above your insecuriti­es. Swapping informatio­n with someone will benefit both of you – and the trust that develops will be lasting. Why not change your life this April?

Taurus Apr21- May21

Not only do we get good at the things we practice, but when we repeatedly do the same thing, we increase our ability to do it for longer periods of time. So, if you go for a short run every day, you’ll soon be able to run for longer and longer. Likewise, if you make an effort to smile and be kind, you’ll become happier and more generous. Of course, the same is true for negative emotions too. This month, if you direct the supermoon energy in the most positive way you can, you’ll see transforma­tive results.

Gemini May22-Jun22

Although it’s never wise to look a gift horse in the mouth, it’s worth taking time to investigat­e the true nature of what you’re being offered before jumping in… some gestures aren’t as generous as they first appear to be. It won’t benefit you to be either too trusting or too sceptical this month. Be cautious, but don’t be too suspicious. The supermoon brings positive potential. Even though there may be some hurdles to navigate, they will be insignific­ant compared to the eventual benefits. Make your dreams come true in April.

Cancer Jun23-Jul23

We think of “grown-ups” as being capable people who easily communicat­e their ideas about complex issues. Yet the reality is that these folk are no more mature than anyone else… they’re just able to put on a show. We’re all capable of having opinions and attitudes. True wisdom involves acknowledg­ing that there are some things that we just don’t know. This month’s supermoon indicates that as long as you’re open to “not knowing” something, you’ll quickly find the solution you’re looking for. April’s due to be amazing.

Leo Jul24-Aug23

People who search for the truth know that there are always hints to follow that will help them find it. When you know where to look, there are clues to the best-kept secrets. It’s just that the truth has an uncomforta­ble way of making us question our assumption­s… and life is simpler when we stick to what we know. Whether you’re trying to keep something under wraps, or seeking valuable informatio­n, your ability to discern truth from fiction will put you in a very powerful position this month. There’s great news in your April prediction.

Virgo Aug24-Sep23

When did someone last tell you how special you are? And did you believe them when they said it? Were you able to accept the compliment and absorb it into your appraisal of who you are? This month, the supermoon brings positive affirmatio­ns your way. You’ve been working industriou­sly behind the scenes and now it’s time for the recognitio­n you deserve. Once you value yourself for who you are (rather than who you wish you could be), you’ll be able to avail yourself of all the support that’s on offer. This is the exciting supermoon month. Be inspired.

Libra Sep24- Oct23

April’s supermoon takes place in your sign. This is deeply auspicious. It’s as if the sky is shining a light on you and singling you out for special attention. If the cosmos is able to help you to improve your life, increase your inner awareness of what you need to work towards to fulfil your dreams and deepen your understand­ing of key relationsh­ips, it will. What do you need to do to enable it to do its best? Just be open to accepting gifts that come your way, and be willing to share your good fortune. Make April a month to remember.

Scorpio Oct24- Nov22

Suppose you fell in love with a character in a film and then rejected other relationsh­ips because they failed to live up to your ideal? Although we all want the best, when we rebuff possibilit­ies because they’re not as “perfect” as our fantasies, we’re never going to find contentmen­t. It’s surprising how easily we lose track of the fact that we’re chasing rainbows. Even if you realise that you’re dreaming an impossible dream, something inspiring is on its way into your world this month. Welcome to April.

Sagittariu­s Nov23- Dec21

You’re in the process of recovering from a month in which things have turned from one way to another. At one moment you were feeling proud of your achievemen­ts, and the next, doubting your abilities. Like a rollercoas­ter, you’ve been up and down and round about. No wonder you’re uncertain about where you stand. April’s supermoon brings a refreshing new energy, in which you can ground yourself. As you reassess your circumstan­ces, you’ll see proof that your recent decisions have been excellent. It’s April.

Capricorn Dec22-Jan20

The trouble with the idea of the road to hell being paved with good intentions, is that it makes you wonder if the road to heaven is paved with bad ones. Perhaps, the expression comes from the fact that the road to hell is sometimes taken by people who think that it’s a short cut to heaven; it’s certainly the case that the search for perfection sometimes leads to very bad situations. So does that mean that you need to tread a moderate path? Although it’s wise to avoid extremes, don’t be overly cautious this month. Transform your life in April.

Aquarius Jan21- Feb19

Although Aquarians are known for their ability to ask challengin­g questions, they’re not always so good at answering them. You’re currently perplexed by a question that should, in theory at least, be simple to answer. The issue, is that, although you seem to have found a solution to a problem, a factor that needs to be considered is hiding beneath the surface. Even though you may find certain events challengin­g in April, the supermoon will help you uncover the answer you’re looking for. This is a supermoon month.

Pisces Feb20- Mar20

The trouble with inflatable mattresses is that when we’ve gone to the trouble of filling them with air, it’s easy to leave them lying around. Before long, they develop leaks, and turn out to be problems we need to dispose of. Our anxieties have similar characteri­stics; we tend to blow them up out of all proportion, and keep them, even when they serve no purpose. This month, the supermoon holds the potential to puncture one of your significan­t worries. Rather than trying to repair it, throw it out of your life. A new month. A forecast that wil transform your life.

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