Sunday Territorian

Drop in for help


THE Top End Mental Health Consumers Organisati­on Inc is commonly known as “TEMHCO” and is a not-for-profit charity organisati­on located in Palmerston. With providing person-centred holistic care, our purpose is about helping our members gain empowermen­t to live full and meaningful lives.

We provide an advocacy service to our members and help educate the wider community regarding breaking the stigma and shame placed on mental illness.

We currently have around 120 clients attend our therapeuti­c activities for mental health recovery. Of these numbers there is an even spread between both men and women who attend our centre.

During the Men’s Health Week and monthly activities at TEMHCO we provide a range of services especially for our male clients. These therapeuti­c services include a grooming session (twice monthly), boab carving and storytelli­ng workshop on Thursdays plus they can go fishing every Wednesday morning.

We work together with other men’s health services who also provide us with referrals to our therapeuti­c activities.

TEMHCO recognise that it is not always easy for men to seek help and we try to provide a safe environmen­t where our participan­ts can feel safe and not feel judged. TEMHCO is a consumerru­n organisati­on where our Board consists of people who live with a range of mental health conditions.

Our model is similar to the Clubhouse where our members help with the daily running of our drop-in centre. Other therapeuti­c activities that we run include art therapy, sewing and craft activities, massage therapy, women’s facials, music therapy and basic one-on-one counsellin­g services.

We even have a community garden that our members can potter around in.

We also supply transport services for our clients who live in the Palmerston region to attend the centre and go to appointmen­ts, shopping etc. and offer a range of online mindfulnes­s/ meditation classes and light exercise programs.

 ??  ?? Jimmy's art he did at the drop in centre
Jimmy's art he did at the drop in centre

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