Sunday Territorian



Aries Mar21-Apr20

In the Venn diagram of work there are three circles: good, fast and cheap. It’s relatively easy to find a way to approach a job that ticks two of those boxes. But difficult to achieve all three. Yet, this month, with Venus (value and money) in your sign, being joined by abundant Jupiter, the cosmos promises rapid growth and exciting opportunit­ies. If you’re sure of what you want, May brings the tools to get the job done – and done well. You’ll find new ways to collaborat­e that ensure you have a social, enjoyable experience too.

Taurus Apr21- May21

Dreams are always intoxicati­ng. But as Venus, your ruler, changes signs at the start of May, yours can be rich resources of inspiratio­n. Your ability to turn imaginativ­e musings into real, tangible and actionable ideas becomes evident. The super lunar eclipse brings the promise of longawaite­d change. You’ll be attracted to new adventures and creative partnershi­ps that enable you to turn flights of fantasy into sustainabl­e real- life projects. This month, the cosmos encourages you to realise the value of your gifts, and change your life.

Gemini May22-Jun22

As a sociable Gemini, you can relate to the Beatles lyric about getting by with a little help from your friends. But if you want to do more than “get by” this month, you can set your sights higher. Jupiter’s change of signs, as your ruler turns retrograde, reveals how valuable your allies can be. The investment­s you’ve made in your key relationsh­ips will be worth their weight in gold as you receive support and encouragem­ent on the path towards success. And, as you start to shine, you can spread happiness to those you care about too.

Cancer Jun23-Jul23

They say “success breeds success” and that the easiest way to make a small fortune is to begin with a big one. One thing’s for sure, we all stand on someone’s shoulders; relationsh­ips are key to success. This month, the super lunar eclipse brings a change of fortune and a breakthrou­gh in the way you communicat­e with someone who holds the key to your future. You can create deep bonds with someone who has the power to make a difference. When you do what’s right in the world, the world will do right by you.

Leo Jul24-Aug23

Goldfish produce growth-suppressin­g hormones that enable them to adapt to their surroundin­gs. That’s why they don’t outgrow their tanks. Humans, on the other hand, need the freedom to grow. As Jupiter moves into a new celestial home, liberty, adventure and bold expansion are on your agenda. Take advantage of the chance to explore new opportunit­ies. The super lunar eclipse brings support that will enable you to move on from a pond you’ve outgrown and swim into new waters, where there are bigger fish to fry.

Virgo Aug24-Sep23

Sometimes it can feel as if you’re not given the credit you deserve. You naturally do your best, and that means you put your heart and soul into everything you do… but your efforts aren’t always appreciate­d. This month, as Jupiter leaves your opposite sign, a rebalance enables a real sense of working “with” other people. With Mercury turning retrograde, you’ll be encouraged to communicat­e directly and honestly in order to make things work. This will lead to mutual appreciati­on as joint commitment­s lead to success.

Libra Sep24- Oct23

You’re a peace-loving Libran. You intuitivel­y understand that it’s impossible to achieve a lasting resolution if you go in with all guns blazing, and you enjoy finding subtle ways to create harmony. As Venus, your ruler, moves opposite your sign this month, you can find ways to restore balance in tense situations. Just make sure this isn’t at the expense of your needs. As Jupiter follows Venus into Aries, your passions and interests need your attention. Your sensitivit­y and sociabilit­y are assets that can further your own interests too.

Scorpio Oct24- Nov22

This month, as Jupiter links with Pluto before changing signs, it calls you to question what really brings satisfacti­on to your world. Are you happy with the philosophi­es you live by, or is it time for change? With the super lunar eclipse arriving in your sign, it’s time to take your instincts seriously and focus your attention on your dreams. If you pursue spiritual desires with the same enthusiasm you approach the physical, you’ll realise that a few minor changes to your daily routine will bring significan­tly more satisfacti­on and happiness.

Sagittariu­s Nov23- Dec21

The expression “man cannot live by bread alone” highlights the need for spiritual sustenance. This month, as Jupiter and Pluto align, a sense of emotional and mental freedom has the potential to change your fortunes. Your sense of playfulnes­s and creative self- expression will become increasing­ly important factors in determinin­g your choices about the way you live life. The super lunar eclipse brings a chance to demonstrat­e the importance of enjoying life’s great adventures. And as you share your joy, your relationsh­ips will benefit too.

Capricorn Dec22-Jan20

The reason they say “things are always in the last place you look” is because once something’s found, it’s pointless to keep on searching. In May, Saturn and Neptune’s link indicates that the moment you stop focusing on what you need, it will manifest. By following your instincts and allowing life to guide you, you’ll find ways to realise your dreams. By the super lunar eclipse you’ll be making meaningful progress. Although your appetite might not be immediatel­y satiated, the transforma­tion will be delightful and satisfying.

Aquarius Jan21- Feb19

Kissing the Blarney Stone confers the gift of eloquence. Yet you don’t need a trip to the Emerald Isle to find yourself communicat­ing more persuasive­ly this month. Jupiter’s move into Aries makes it easier for you to speak your mind and share your perspectiv­e. Yet, it’s the spirit that lies behind the words that matter; even though we communicat­e with our heads, we decide with our hearts. And, as the super lunar eclipse arrives, if you express your ideas with passion and commitment, you’ll find the support you need to succeed.

Pisces Feb20- Mar20

Apparently, there’s a sweet spot when it comes to wealth. Not enough, and we’re constantly trying to keep the wolf from the door; but too much is a different beast that needs constant supervisio­n. Jupiter, your ruler, is preparing to leave your sign, so you’ll need to adjust in order to manage the speed at which your resources grow, as you find ways to turn ideas into tangible rewards. The super lunar eclipse encourages you to start actively pursuing your vision. If you make the most of what you have, you have the potential to gain much much more.

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