Sunday Territorian



DOGS are a human’s best friend. When they’re around, a person never feels alone. Dogs have a love, dedication and passion for their human unlike anything else in the world.

It’s natural, as part of this special relationsh­ip, for people to want to take their best friend out to explore the world.

But those who take their dogs to public places, such as cafes, need to be sure they’re doing so safely.

It doesn’t matter how well-trained they are, how big or small or how friendly.

When taking a dog out into public spaces, every precaution must be taken to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

Unlike at home, public spaces are not controlled environmen­ts. A lot is going on. People are everywhere, there’s an abundance of smells and plenty of noises.

A dog might behave like an angel at home but outside the serenity of their yard, anything could set them off.

And it could have disastrous results.

Shauna Mounsey and son Lloyd Jayathilak­a were at a cafe when a nearby rottweiler mauled the child.

The incident was described as being out of character for the dog.

Ms Mounsey is right when she says it’s unfair to expect dogs to behave impeccably at all times.

“I don’t think any owner who brings their dog to a cafe would ever imagine that something like this could happen,” she said.

The reality is, many have forgotten the physical power and capabiliti­es dogs possess.

Statistics provided by Royal Darwin Hospital show that there have been 83 presentati­ons of patients with dog bites this year.

These statistics could signify a greater issue the Territory may be dealing with.

Dogs should be allowed to roam and explore beyond their home. But they should do so safely.

It begs the question of whether there needs to be tighter regulation­s on dogs in public.

Thousands of Territoria­ns own dogs and with owning them, particular­ly larger ones, comes great responsibi­lity.

At the end of the day, they are animals with primal instincts, and we must respect that by maintainin­g a meticulous duty of care when in public.

Whether this means a change in legislatio­n or another alternativ­e, it’s worth exploring for the safety of everyone.

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