Sunday Territorian



Aries Mar21-Apr20

With abundant Venus in your sign, there’s a good chance that you have more disposable income available. You’re in demand too, which is great because you find yourself inspired to do and say lovely things. What’s more, you’ve fallen for an idea which has motivated you and given you a renewed sense of purpose. It’s as if you’re wearing a pair of rose-tinted spectacles. Enjoy the view. This week, as your ruler, Mars, converges with Neptune, there’s no guarantee of endless joy. But you can look forward to a sense of comfort.

Taurus Apr21- May21

Do you need permission to be happy? Will something go pear-shaped if you start enjoying a situation that, to your surprise, seems to be going well? Should you be keeping notes about what’s unfolding in case the wrong move is made? Not unless you want to end up as a bag of nervous energy. As long as you keep an eye on progress (or the lack of it) you’ll be ready, this week, to take appropriat­e action when necessary. You’ll also be able to identify the areas in which no action need be taken. The right things are happening.

Gemini May22-Jun22

We want to believe that when we’ve made a decision, we stand a good chance of being able to honour it – that, as long as our desires aren’t too far fetched, they’ll manifest in our lives. Sometimes, though, no matter how much effort we make, or how much time we invest, or how modest our expectatio­ns, we don’t feel as if we’re making progress. It’s as if something (or someone) is underminin­g us. This week, there’s a key factor that you have full command over. Use your power to create the change you wish to see.

Cancer Jun23-Jul23

Should you stay or go? Accept or object? Believe or mistrust? Go wild or play safe? Actually, no matter what you decide, there will be consequenc­es and legacies. You can sit and think about the “best” thing to do forever. But should you? Are there times when it’s better to take action, and deal with the repercussi­ons when they occur? There’s no doubt that you have a difficult decision to make. But the super lunar eclipse is set to help. The choice will be made for you by various factors outside your control. You’re about to feel better.

Leo Jul24-Aug23

There are very few people like you. In fact, they simply don’t exist. You’re unique. Which is a wonderful thing. Of course, we all want to be understood and appreciate­d – and few of us have as much understand­ing as we’d like. But the good news this week is that the super lunar eclipse brings a chance for you to express your qualities in a way that brings appreciati­on. As long as you don’t allow a sense of frustratio­n to affect your view of a real, rare, opportunit­y, this will be a week to remember, for all the right reasons.

Virgo Aug24-Sep23

There’s a strong chance that you’ll find yourself discussing serious issues this week. Having recently given lots of attention to something slightly frivolous and indulgent, it seems you have a more complex scenario to deal with. One thing’s for sure: it brings a timely reminder of where your priorities lie and what you need to focus on. If that sounds as if you’ve got a serious time ahead, I need to add an important piece of news. The super lunar eclipse promises the chance to make a choice that brings positive change.

Libra Sep24- Oct23

Are you responsibl­e for the stars appearing every evening? Is it thanks to your effort that Earth rotates on its axis? Do you manifest the energy that encourages plants to grow? Well then, what right do you have to direct any situations? Now, before you start believing that you need to demonstrat­e humility, you need to remember that, like everyone else, you’re perfectly entitled to call the shots and assert your authority. The super lunar eclipse encourages you to be bold. Use your voice to create positive change this week.

Scorpio Oct24- Nov22

As Mars forms a conjunctio­n to your ruler, Neptune, which connects to the super lunar eclipse in your sign, it’s as if your celestial helper is setting off in search of something you need. Hooray. But it’s not going to be an easy journey. There are adventures along the way. They involve entering forbidden territory. There are certainly risks involved. They might even find themselves trapped in a situation that’s almost impossible to get out of. Will they escape? You may need to show patience… but a treat is in store.

Sagittariu­s Nov23- Dec21

You’re more pragmatic than most people think. In fact, you have common sense by the bucketload, and know perfectly well where you need to draw the line. Sometimes, you go out of your way to make sure people are unaware of how much wisdom you have access to. If they knew the full extent of your knowledge, they’d be so much more demanding. And you’re already too busy to want that to happen. You’ve considered your options and made a good decision. Don’t let a fleeting doubt ruin a brilliant strategy.

Capricorn Dec22-Jan20

Does it matter where you go as long as you go somewhere? A sense of purpose is a great thing – but, by definition, there’s always a destinatio­n attached. Even if you’re enjoying strolling along, you’d feel one way if you knew you were heading to a windswept stretch of golden sand, and another if you were heading for the recycling centre. This week, you need to get hold of a map and work out where you are. If you make the mistake of just following everyone else, you might not like where you end up. Go where you want to go.

Aquarius Jan21- Feb19

Human beings are linked to one another in ways we don’t fully comprehend. We’re fascinated by the obvious connection­s, but we often overlook the more subtle ones. So, we tend to view family members as being strongly linked, friends as linked (but less so) and everyone else as hardly linked at all. True bonds, though, have a strength that endures. This week, the powerful cosmic climate focuses your attention on an enduring friendship. It brings a chance to honour and celebrate a relationsh­ip of mutual respect.

Pisces Feb20- Mar20

It’s a question of timing. You can have what you want, but you can’t have it exactly when you want it. Although this won’t ultimately matter, it’s worth mentioning, because the fact that you’re unable to stick to your timetable is making you feel frustrated. But life’s too precious to waste time feeling bad about something that’s good. Use your time wisely this week. If you adapt to the factors you can’t influence, you’ll be able to see a developmen­t in a new light – and be much happier about where you’re headed.

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