Tech Advisor

Microsoft Flight Simulator

Downloadin­g, installing and loading Microsoft Flight Simulator is a slog, but in the end it’s more than worth it. reports


It’s 8am on a clear, sunny day in Oakland, California. No, it’s a rainy afternoon in Hong Kong. Or is it evening in Paris? Microsoft Flight Simulator doesn’t care.

At a time when gorgeous ‘open world’ games are the norm, Flight Simulator helps set the bar even higher. Yes, it offers a stunning recreation of a virtual world, with weather and realistic landscapes, real-world traffic and ocean waves, and even, apparently, animals.

But the virtual world is our world, our planet, and you can go anywhere in it.

For me, that’s the whole point of Flight Simulator. Even if we weren’t severely limited in our movements by the current pandemic, most of us will never see the entirety of our planet. Travel to exotic locales also comes with costs – not just the price of a flight and hotel and food, but the pollution spewed by the planes, trains and motor vehicles used to get there. Microsoft’s Flight Simulator

allows me to be that happy noob simply exploring the world, without worrying about all those other considerat­ions.


Microsoft’s Flight Simulator ships in three editions:

Standard Edition: £59.99 from

Deluxe Edition: £79.99 from

Premium Deluxe Edition: £109.99 from

All three will be available when the game launches Monday. Xbox Game Pass for PC subscriber­s will receive the Standard Edition for free.

Note that Flight Simulator requires an incredibly intensive process to install and play it – the virtual equivalent of driving to the airport, parking, checking in, and more. Our installati­on (of the Premium Deluxe Edition, Microsoft confirmed) required about 70GB of files to be downloaded. Unpacking them all filled up about 110GB total. The whole process took about two hours over a broadband connection.

The system requiremen­ts are worth studying. While they reach back far enough to accommodat­e many generation­s’ worth of PCs, you do need Windows 10 version 18362.0 or higher; at least 8GB of RAM; and discrete graphics with dedicated memory. The minimum, recommende­d, and ideal system requiremen­ts are below:

Actually playing the game takes even more time. My PC – a Surface Book 3 that falls somewhere between Microsoft’s ‘recommende­d’ and ‘ideal’ system requiremen­ts for Flight Simulator – required a few seconds to show me that the game was being loaded, and a whopping three to four minutes to move past the introducti­on to the main menu. In a world where Windows PCs are

almost immediatel­y responsive, it all feels excruciati­ngly slow. The 15‑second audio loop the game plays will soon drive you insane. You may as well go fetch a coffee while the game’s being loaded.

While Flight Simulator offers everything from tutorials to challenges (such as landing at a particular airport), most people will want to jump right into Flight Simulator’s virtual world. The game pulls data from Microsoft’s real‑world services, including Bing Maps and its weather forecasts, promising that you’ll have the option of experienci­ng the actual, current weather as it happens.

Our limited review time meant that I didn’t have a chance to chase down a hurricane, but the oddly hazy skies outside my Bay Area home were replicated in the virtual space when I took flight above San Francisco.

What it does mean, though, is that in addition to opening your wallet for Flight Simulator, you’ll also need to keep track of how much data the game uses. Over a couple of days’ use, Flight Simulator

sucked up 2GB of data on my account. There are controls to limit bandwidth as well as the total available data the game uses over the course of a month. If you live in a rural area with limited bandwidth, you may have to dial down the live, real‑world features a bit.

Early on, you’ll be asked to select a difficulty level, ranging from ‘easy’ to a ‘middle ground’ to a more hardcore sim experience. This choice matters. Damage to the aircraft can occur not just from an outright crash, but from undue stress on the airframe and engine. Catastroph­ic damage ends your flight – and forces you go back through the prolonged loading process to try again. You might want to toggle on unlimited fuel, too. Like Flight Simulator’s graphics options, however, there’s opportunit­y to tweak and adjust to your heart’s content – or just skip all that and jump in.

Gamers who grew up with Wing Commander and X‑Wing probably learned how to use a joystick, and

perhaps a throttle – and then, if you’re like me, you buried them in a box for the next 20 years. Fortunatel­y, Flight Simulator plays smoothly with just an Xbox controller, along with the option to use a mouse or keyboard for supplement­ary commands.


Flights begin with a bit of scene‑setting, showing your aircraft on the tarmac from a variety of angles. With a controller, one joystick simulates the plane’s controls, with yaw and pitch; the other governs your view of the instrument panel and outside the windows. Just taking off can be a challenge to first-timers who are unfamiliar with the controls, but Microsoft helpfully provides a toolbar which exposes itself if you move the mouse to the top of the screen. An AI control (the ‘head’ icon) will automatica­lly check off your pre-flight checklist and remain in contact with Air Traffic Control – and will even fly the plane for you, if you want. Tips will occasional­ly pop up, such as a reminder to stow the landing gear after take‑off. Flight Simulator implicitly understand­s that there are hobbyists and enthusiast­s who enjoy tinkering with aircraft systems, and there are those who are just there for the ride.

I absolutely fall within the latter camp. I recall playing the original Flight Simulator when it came out in the late 80s, and immediatel­y giving up on it – it simply wasn’t the real world. With the Flight Simulator reboot, it comes pretty darn close.

Once in the air, all of the technical wizardry fades away. You simply can’t help but marvel at the graphical detail... everywhere. The golden hills of the East Bay, the deep green of the Northern California coastal forests. The traffic on the roads as you swoop down. Diving

in a 747 doesn’t lend itself to close examinatio­n of textures and structures, but it appears that many buildings in urban centres are, in fact, buildings, rather than just textures overlaid onto terrain. Naturally, one of the first things I flew over was my own house, just to see if the nearby schools and shopping centres looked as I imagined them to be. They certainly did. Flight Simulator includes a number of ‘handcrafte­d’ airports, which include more than the usual level of detail. While I’m not sure how much you’ll notice taking off or landing, the baggage carts and other details scattered around the recreation of

LAX, for example, certainly add validity to Microsoft’s recreation of the world.

Clouds... look like clouds. I really want to go hunting for some big, lazy thunderhea­ds, but I haven’t had time quite yet. Are Uluru, Machu Picchu and the Pyramids all visible from the air? What’s the weather like flying through a hurricane? Are there updrafts over the Sahara? I don’t know, but the world’s there for me to find out.

I can’t really speak to performanc­e, as Microsoft doesn’t appear to make a frame counter available. Microsoft recommende­d that I play the game on ‘high’ settings, though I turned

down the resolution to 1080p for the gameplay stream we’ve embedded above. I played on a Surface Book 3 (Core i7‑1065G7/32GB RAM/GTX 1660Ti Max‑Q), and I’d have preferred a faster GPU.

Recording video does rob a few CPU cycles from gameplay, but you’ll probably want a desktop or a dedicated gaming PC to play it. (I would hate to ask you to turn down the graphics options, however, as for me that’s why you’d want to own the game!) Flight Simulator employs a ‘rolling cache’ that seems to store recently‑used textures and objects, but it seemed to have the most influence when I circled around and flew over the same terrain twice. The ‘reload’ penalty for crashing makes landings that much more nail‑biting, especially if you’re winging it, so to speak. The helpful ‘window’ that guides you to your destinatio­n is Flight Simulator’s equivalent of the Forza driving lines, but far more useful.

About the only thing I could have done without was the constant chatter between my AI copilot and the tower, which added realism but just became annoying after a while. And is there a photo mode? Microsoft’s settings helpfully provide a search box, but other than the usual methods of taking screenshot­s, there didn’t seem to be

an easy way to play tourist. (I asked Microsoft about this, but received no response.)

One of my favourite sites on the Internet is MapCrunch, which has a very simple, similar premise: it ‘teleports’ you to a random point within the vast network of Google Maps images. (It recently opened with a view of Vestfjarða­vegur, Ísafjarðar­baer, Iceland.) does the same, but within Google Earth.

For me, Flight Simulator is a hybrid of the two: a chance to explore our vast, beautiful world without ever leaving my desk. One day maybe I’ll be able to do the same in real life.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Flight Simulator’s ‘home’ screen.
Flight Simulator’s ‘home’ screen.
 ??  ?? Flight Simulator is accessible to mice, keyboards, and even controller­s.
Flight Simulator is accessible to mice, keyboards, and even controller­s.
 ??  ?? You’ll see this screen quite often.
You’ll see this screen quite often.
 ??  ?? Flight Simulator offers a wide variety of assistive features to make gameplay more fun... or more realistic.
Flight Simulator offers a wide variety of assistive features to make gameplay more fun... or more realistic.
 ??  ?? Keep an eye on your data usage in Flight Simulator, especially if you live in rural areas or those with bandwidth caps.
Keep an eye on your data usage in Flight Simulator, especially if you live in rural areas or those with bandwidth caps.
 ??  ?? The interiors of the aircraft are as detailed, or more, than the outside world.
The interiors of the aircraft are as detailed, or more, than the outside world.
 ??  ?? The only thing Microsoft Flight Simulator needs is a dedicated photo mode, though the ‘Showcase’ feature as part of the external camera mode helps do the job, Microsoft says.
The only thing Microsoft Flight Simulator needs is a dedicated photo mode, though the ‘Showcase’ feature as part of the external camera mode helps do the job, Microsoft says.
 ??  ?? Flights begin with a close-up of the aircraft.
Flights begin with a close-up of the aircraft.

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