TechLife Australia

Expand CCleaner’s capabiliti­es


I’ve been using CCleaner to keep my program settings clean following advice in previous issues of this mag, but there are lots of applicatio­ns it doesn’t support. I’ve discovered it’s possible to add in new rules and definition­s for the program via something called winapp2.ini, but don’t understand how it works. Can you help, please? [ SHIRLEY CANHAM ]

Cat Ellis replies: If you go to singularla­bs. com/software/ccenhancer, you’ll find a program called CCEnhancer, which makes it easy to add in support for over 1,000 additional programs as added by the CCleaner community of users. They’re not supported, so you use them at your own risk.

Simply download and run CCEnhancer — start by choosing ‘Settings > Trim definition file to improve performanc­e’ and clicking Save. If you’ve installed CCleaner, then simply click ‘Download Latest’ to download and add the latest definition­s to CCleaner, where they will appear in the Cleaner section of the applicatio­n, and marked with an asterisk to show they’re new). If you’ve set up a portable CCleaner installati­on, use ‘Functions > Add Portable Location’ to point to its parent folder before clicking Download Latest.

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