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iOS shortcuts

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ADDING IMPORTANT APPS to the Dock means they’re only a tap away on any page of the Home screen. On an iPad with iOS 11, the Dock is also only a swipe away (upwards, from the foot of the screen), even when you’re in an app.

To add an app to the Dock, hold a finger on its icon until it jiggles, then drag it onto the Dock and let go; if it pings back to its original location, there’s no space left; the Dock can hold four items on iPhone, and between 11 and 15 on iPad (depending on the model).

You can add folders to the Dock, too – but to make a new one (by dragging one app icon onto another), you’ll need to do it in the area above, then move it. When done, press the Home button (or swipe up from the bottom if you are doing this on a iPhone X).

New in iOS 11 is the ability to move multiple app icons at once. When the app icons are jiggling, drag one and, while holding it, tap additional icons to add them to your selection. Go to the page/folder where you want to place them and lift your finger; the icons are placed in the reverse order to which you picked them up.

The Lock screen offers shortcuts, too. Swipe left to use the camera in an instant. Swipe right to reach the Today view. To choose what’s shown here, scroll all the way down and tap Edit; use the + and – buttons to add and remove items, and drag the handles on the right so the most important info is shown first.

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