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HOW TO Master Safari for iPadOS



ZOOM THE PAGE Tap the View menu button (AA) and use the two different “A” buttons to adjust the zoom level for that tab (or use Cmd-– and Cmd-+ if using a keyboard). This level is used for all new tabs for the site until you make a further change.


DEFINE SETTINGS Still in the View menu, tap Website Settings. In the pane that appears, you can define the settings and permission­s for the current site. Use Settings > Safari or return to this pane to adjust your changes in the future.


FIND IN PAGE Finding terms within a page now works like Safari for Mac. Type a term in the address bar, and tap “Find ‘[term]’” (or use Cmd-F on a keyboard). All matches will be highlighte­d, so you needn’t cycle through them.


FIND IN TABS Got a million tabs open? Fairly sure one of them contains something you need to get to? Type a search term in the address bar. Switch to Tab will provide a singletap means of getting at the relevant web page.



Safari tab in iPadOS and you get access to a tab management menu. Within, you can copy the tab’s URL, close other tabs, or opt to arrange your tabs by title or website. Useful for getting a bit more organized.


SAVE ALL TABS Previously, longtappin­g the bookmark button only let you add the current tab as a bookmark or send its contents to Reading List. Now you can also add the set of current open tabs to a usernamed bookmarks folder.


AUTO–CLOSE TABS If over time you tend to end up with dozens of open tabs, and want rid of the clutter, head to Settings > Safari. In the Tabs section, tap Close Tabs, and choose how quickly open tabs should be consigned to history.


DRAG–OPEN LINKS Tapping a link on iPad has long opened a web page in Safari. But you may now prefer opening a link alongside your existing app in Split View. To do so, tap and hold the link and drag it to the left or right of the screen.


SMART SHARE Tap the Share button. You’ll see a small Options button underneath the tab’s name. Tap that and Safari enables you to define how you’d prefer the page to be sent when sharing it – including as a minimal Reader PDF.


DOWNLOAD FILES Downloads are finally handled in a sensible manner. Tap the downloads button to see what’s downloadin­g, and the magnifying glass to view the file in iCloud Drive/Downloads (you can change this location in Settings).


USE SHORTCUTS If you’ve a physical keyboard connected to your iPad, tap and hold Cmd. Yep, there are lots of new keyboard shortcuts, again showcasing Apple’s desire to make its iPad browser desktop-grade. Commit them all to memory!


GRAB FULL PAGES It used to be a pain to stitch together multiple screen grabs of lengthy web pages. Now, take a grab, tap it before it slides off-screen, and select Full Page. You’ll see the entire web page, ready to send as a PDF.

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