TechLife Australia

Livescribe Symphony

Digitising your notes has never been easier.

- Jennifer Allen

Coming across vaguely reminiscen­t of a gadget that

James Bond may have used decades ago, the Livescribe Symphony isn’t the first smartpen by any means, with Livescribe amongst many companies vying to make a great smartpen for users.

However, it is one of the few that seem to actually live up to their promises. Actually working very well, the Livescribe Symphony is an appealingl­y priced option – if of course pricier than regular a pen and paper. If you’re keen to make your note taking a little more effective, this is a good solution.

It looks just like a standard pen, albeit a little chunkier, and it works much like one. Where it differs is that it has a camera pointed down at the nib so that it’s able to record everything your pen writes before transmitti­ng a digital version of the results to an accompanyi­ng app. At its simplest, it’s ‘just’ a regular pen but that ruins the point if you’re willing to spend the US$109.99 price tag that comes with it.

To get the most out of it, you’ll need specially dotted paper too, with the Livescribe Symphony coming with a small notepad. But ideally, it’s worth investing in the executive journal pack so you have some dedicated paper ready for the task. It’s possible to print your own out via the Livescribe website but if you’re going to the expense of buying a smartpen, it makes sense to also chip in for a nice journal to use alongside it.


Setup is fairly straightfo­rward with the Livescribe Symphony. We simply plugged it into a power source then switched over to the iOS app to sync up. Its syncing process isn’t like with usual Bluetooth devices as you have to do it via the dedicated app, but it’s

intuitive enough and tells you exactly what to do. A backup sync method has you holding your finger to the pen tip which is a bit uncomforta­ble but you should be fine with the convention­al method of tapping on the ‘device pairing’ icon on your notebook or pad of paper.

We needed to re-sync a few times during use as the connection was occasional­ly lost after not using the Livescribe Symphony for a short time, but this wasn’t too fiddly. Crucially, we didn’t lose any informatio­n as the Livescribe Symphony promises to be able to store a whopping 1,200 A4 pages of content without needing to sync up. That’s arguably where the Livescribe Symphony works best - with the idea that you don’t need the app very often.

In a typically 21st century way, the pen needed a firmware update when we first synced up but it only took a few minutes and we can’t see this occurring very often.

Once set up, you can get on with writing as if using a regular and convention­al pen. It’s no more complicate­d than writing in the normal manner with the Livescribe Symphony app doing the hard work for you.

Features and app performanc­e

Much of the Livescribe Symphony’s features are tied into how the Livescribe app works. As almost ordinary as it sounds, the Livescribe Symphony itself simply just works like a pen. It’s not until you sync it up to the app that you can see where the magic happens.

For instance, the Livescribe app rather smartly divides up content according to which notebook you used to write in. We tested it across the bundled in notebook along with a chunkier lined journal, and found the app and pen correctly divided things up according to the different notebooks used as well as individual pages involved.

If you’re trying to be more organised or you simply want separate notebooks for separate projects, this is immensely useful. Also, it’s simply rather fancy that the pen is able to identify things so well.

If you’d rather view things according to everything the pen has recorded, you can always tap the Feed button and view the text en masse saving you the need to remember which notebook contained which informatio­n.

When you’ve written something up, you can simply double tap the resulting piece of text and the Livescribe app will use OCR to convert it to text. We found it was fairly accurate even with our dodgy scrawling handwritin­g but if you do come across an error, you can easily correct it yourself.

With each piece of text, you can also add tags or create reminders tied to it lending the Livescribe Symphony perfectly to making shopping or to-do lists so much more effective than before, allowing you to easily search through your notes.

There’s a fair amount of flexibilit­y here with the Livescribe Symphony even able to pick up drawings in many cases, not that this should be considered a replacemen­t for a graphics tablet by any means.

Being able to record audio via the app is a useful bonus but it’s not exactly a dealbreake­r. If the Livescribe Symphony had a built-in microphone, that would be a different matter but we reckon the audio recording features are more there to supplement what you’re writing, rather than as a key feature.

Overall though, we were quite impressed with the Livescribe Symphony. It might not be perfect and we have slight reservatio­ns upon the need to buy ink refills and (ideally) dedicated paper, but as this device seems best for note taking rather than essay writing, this shouldn’t be an issue too often.

The Livescribe Symphony is as smart as it looks, working well at converting even the scruffiest of writing scrawl into text.

 ??  ?? US$109.95,
 ??  ?? Dedicated paper and ink refills add to the cost, but there’s no denying this is a handy gadget for note-takers.
Dedicated paper and ink refills add to the cost, but there’s no denying this is a handy gadget for note-takers.
 ??  ??

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