TechLife Australia


Criminals, spies, hackers and viruses: how the battles of the future will be fought across the internet.


The world is in the grip of a new age of conflict. Where once ships, planes, tanks and soldiers did battle to further the goals of their own nations, now sophistica­ted cyber attacks are the new weapons of choice. Countries are using hackers to target power grids, financial markets and government computer systems of rival nations, all with potential results that are every bit as devastatin­g as any bullet or bomb.

The idea of using tech to pilfer informatio­n goes back a long way, as far back as 1834, in fact, with two French brothers – the Blanc brothers – who used to earn a living trading in government bonds.

They found a way to get ahead of the competitio­n by bribing a telegraph operator to include deliberate mistakes in messages being transmitte­d from Paris. This let them get a heads up on financial deals before anyone else did. But as technology got more sophistica­ted, so did the crimes the crooks were capable of pulling off. However, it wasn’t until almost 150 years later that the first person would be charged with a cyber crime.

Back in 1981 a chap called Ian Murphy – imaginativ­ely nicknamed Captain Zap – hacked into US telecoms company AT&T and changed its internal clock to charge off-peak fees to people making peak-time calls. Although he thought he was doing these people a favour by letting them use the phone on the cheap, the company – having lost millions of dollars – and the US government were none too impressed, so he was given 1,000 hours of community service and a fine as punishment. These days, when you think about what most teenagers get up to with their computers it probably conjures up images of video games or Facebook – not hacking into the computers of the people who put a man on the Moon and built the

Space Shuttle.

But that’s exactly what 15-year-old Jonathan James decided to do. Installing backdoors – gaps in

computer code that allow hackers to easily infiltrate a system – into the US Department of Defense, he was able to intercept and read thousands of private emails flying all over the place, including some with top-secret informatio­n. He then used what he found to steal a piece of NASA software and shut down systems for three weeks.

Cyber attacks had traditiona­lly been carried out by lone criminals – and usually for a variety of reasons. Some like to test their skills against a system and share their successes with others in their shadowy community. Some do it purely for the money, such as Russian hacker group Evil Corp, who are thought to have stolen over US$100 million from ordinary people around the world. Others do it for what they see as ‘good reasons’, such as finding gaps in a company’s network so they can take steps to fix it before any serious damage is done.

The first group – the bad guys – are referred to in the hacking community as ‘black hat’ hackers, while the latter – who think of themselves as the ‘good guys’ – are called ‘white hat’ hackers.

Often when a black hat hacker is caught, if they’re good enough at what they do, law enforcemen­t or industry will actually give them a job tracking down other hackers and helping to fix flaws in a computer system. But as technology has become more sophistica­ted, hacking has become a profession with thousands employed by government­s as a new tool in their arsenal of war. Often overseen by spy agencies, they’re told to carry out attacks on rival countries’ infrastruc­ture and steal secret informatio­n.

In 2007, in what is believed to have been the first incident of cyber warfare, the Estonian government announced plans to move an old Soviet war memorial, but found itself under a digital assault that sent its banks and government services into meltdown. Russia was blamed, but denied any knowledge.

This evolving threat led to the creation of the US Cyber Command in 2009. Part of the US Air Force, it was placed under the command of General Keith Alexander. It was now official – the cyber threat had gone from kids in bedrooms looking to make a quick buck or prove their smarts to something that was now viewed as a threat to national security.

Alexander’s fears were well founded too, with the US accusing China of infiltrati­ng large US corporatio­ns to steal their ideas, including Google in 2010, and at least 33 other corporatio­ns such as Northrop Grumman – a major weapons manufactur­er. The US has also accused Iran, Russia and North Korea of being major state sponsors of cyber attacks. In total, 28 nations are suspected of state-sponsored cyber attacks, including the US.

In many ways these attacks pose more of a threat than convention­al warfare. With an invasion, there are signs of military build-up: tanks need building, pilots need training. With cyber attacks, they can come at any time with the press of a button, devastatin­g a whole country’s economy or power grid in an instant.

Few attacks have been as devastatin­g or as shadowy as one that took place just a couple of years ago: the WannaCry attack.

It started just like any other morning on 12 May 2017, when at around 08.24 an unsuspecti­ng computer user opened what appeared to be a harmless email. The email contained an attachment which, once opened, downloaded ransomware onto their system. Ransomware is computer code that’s been designed to encrypt a system – scrambling all the

data on a hard drive – and only unscramble­s it when a user gives into the hacker’s demands, such as paying money, hence the name ransomware.

If you’d been one of those affected by the WannaCry attack, you’d have logged onto your computer and seen a message asking you for money, with all of your private informatio­n such as your pictures, bank records, games, videos – everything – completely scrambled.

It began to spread around the world like wildfire. The first company to report problems was Spanish telecoms giant Telefonica, with multiple staff finding they’d been locked out of their computers.

By 11:00 the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) reported problems, with 80 out of 236 hospital trusts having their computers locked out, leading to many of its patients having to be diverted to alternativ­e accident and emergency department­s.

The attack didn’t stop there. Chinese petrol stations had their payment systems cut off, German railways lost control of their passenger informatio­n system and FedEx’s logistical operations were disrupted in the United States. French car maker Renault and the Russian Ministry of the Interior were also hit.

Within hours the WannaCry virus had spread to 230,000 computers in 150 countries before being stopped by an analyst who discovered a ‘kill switch’ that shut it down, but it is to this day regarded as one of the most destructiv­e cyber attacks ever seen.

The reason the malware was able to spread so quickly is that it exploited security vulnerabil­ities in old versions of Microsoft Windows. This vulnerabil­ity had allegedly been discovered by US intelligen­ce some months earlier, but instead of warning people they turned it into a cyber weapon called EternalBlu­e. This cyber weapon was later stolen by a hacker group called the Shadow Brokers, and it’s thought it was used to help the malware spread rapidly. The US and UK government­s would later single out hackers with links to North Korean intelligen­ce agencies with the attack.

If you take a look around you, you’ll probably see a smartphone, tablet, laptop or a smart TV. Maybe there’s some other smart tech in your home: a doorbell that links to your phone or a thermostat you can turn up or down by text. On the drive maybe there’s a car with all the mod cons like GPS. But every single one of these things could be used as a weapon in a cyber war.

We’re surrounded by modern computer technology, and increasing­ly it’s all connected to one another as part of the ‘internet of things’ – the tech that links smart devices together.

A 2017 briefing by US intelligen­ce claimed connected thermostat­s, cameras and cookers could all be used either to spy or cause disruption if they were hacked. Only last year, the FBI warned that smart TV speakers, which are designed to listen to our voices, could be hacked for surveillan­ce purposes.

What’s clear is that whether it’s in our own homes or outside on the virtual battlefiel­d, a conflict between those who want to take control of technology will continue to rage for the foreseeabl­e future.

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 ?? y tt e G © ?? Hackers could hack into smart homes by gaining access to our smart technology.
y tt e G © Hackers could hack into smart homes by gaining access to our smart technology.
 ??  ?? In 2019, the FBI issued warrants for the arrest of a Russian hacker group, ‘Evil Corp’, including Ukrainian hacker Maksim Yakubets.
In 2019, the FBI issued warrants for the arrest of a Russian hacker group, ‘Evil Corp’, including Ukrainian hacker Maksim Yakubets.
 ??  ?? The US power grid was allegedly attacked by Russian hackers in 2018.
The US power grid was allegedly attacked by Russian hackers in 2018.

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