that's life (Australia)

She’s selling my gifts!

- Lisa Hart Lisa Schaublin Michelle Cunningham Cindi Smith Vicki Daniel Heather White Kaye Dee Kaz Sanders Lisa Schilling Vivien Pearson Michelle Cameron Dorothy Kirby Heather Parkinson Anna Wilkins Cate Faulos

Don’t be offended

People are struggling to pay bills and put food on the table. Don’t be offended. Not all presents are what the person likes. Look at it this way, you gave her a gift she now can use to help her financiall­y.

Ask her

There are probably other things you’ve given her that she’s holding on to. If she’s that close to you, just ask her what going on.

Do as she pleases

Once you’ve gifted it then it’s theirs to do as they please. I hate to think my friends hold onto things even when they don’t bring them joy or are no longer useful just because it was from me.

Poor taste

My best friend would never do that... it’s poor taste.

Buy it back

I understand how this would make you feel. Maybe buy one of the gifts she has for sale and gift it back to her!

No strings attached

She doesn’t have to explain why. Gifts don’t come with strings attached and once given, it’s up to the recipient what they do with them.

Post on her page

I’d comment, Oh you’re selling what I gave you! on her marketplac­e post and see how she reacts.

It’s rude

It’s a bit rude. I’d politely say we should end gift giving and take turns in paying for lunch every now and then. If she’s finding times hard, that will lessen the burden.

Not right

It’s not the right thing to do, especially so blatantly that you see it. If she needs space, give things to charity. I wouldn’t feel right selling a gift from someone.

Hard up

She could be hard up and too proud to say.

Let it go

I imagine she loved the thought and love behind the gift, but perhaps she has found she does not use it! Once you give a gift, let it go.

Get a list

I ask people to list five items they’d prefer and purchase

What do I do? from the list. This way, I know they’ll love their gift.

Not a friend

She’s no friend – cut her out of your life immediatel­y!

Out to lunch

Don’t give her any more gifts, just take her out for lunch.

Not about you

Don’t make it about you. It doesn’t mean she didn’t like the presents or appreciate your gesture. She might be trying to reduce clutter.

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