that's life (Australia)

The spiritual signi cance of precious stones

- WITH PSYCHIC MEDIUM Michelle De Angelis

Precious stones, the shining jewels of mother earth, have captured the human imaginatio­n for centuries.

Gemstones have adorned royalty, mystics and ordinary individual­s alike, worn both for their beauty and their spiritual significan­ce.

From ancient times to the modern day, precious stones have always held a special place in our hearts and minds.

Mystical auras

Each precious stone has unique spiritual properties. This is something to consider if you’re already wearing or are thinking about investing in a new stone! Here are a few of the most popular gems and their meanings.


This purple quartz crystal is linked to spiritual growth and enhances intuition. It’s believed to calm the mind and help connect you with higher realms of consciousn­ess.


A symbol of purity and enlightenm­ent, the diamond is associated with clarity of thought and inner strength. It’s thought to amplify the positive energy within and around us.


This green gem is connected to the heart chakra, promoting love, compassion, and harmony. It’s believed to help with being able to express emotions with clarity.


Sapphires, traditiona­lly associated with royalty, are considered stones of wisdom. They can help focus the mind and encourage self-discipline.


Symbolisin­g passion and vitality, the ruby is believed to boost courage and enhance life force energy.


Known for its protective properties, turquoise is thought to ward off negative influences and promote communicat­ion and self-expression.

Modern spirituali­ty

In the modern era, the significan­ce of precious stones has not diminished. Many people still use gems in their pursuit of spiritual growth and wellbeing. Crystal healing involves placing crystals or gemstones on the body. It’s believed the unique energies of each stone can influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual state.

Meditation is another avenue where precious stones can contribute to a spiritual journey. By holding or focusing on a particular gem during meditation, you can access the stone’s qualities to help connect with your own inner wisdom.

The magic of gemstones

All crystals, including precious stones, have unique structures that vibrate at specific frequencie­s. This is utilised in various technologi­es, such as quartz crystals in watches and electronic­s. Many believe the energy emitted by crystals can have subtle but real effects on our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Precious stones, with their radiant beauty and spiritual significan­ce, have been cherished by humanity throughout the ages.

So next time you hold a precious stone in your hand, take a moment to appreciate its timeless beauty and the possibilit­y of spiritual significan­ce it holds for you!

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