The Australian Women's Weekly

Seeing clearly:

Age-related eye conditions are common in Australia, but there are some simple steps you can take to maintain healthy eyes, says Professor Kerryn Phelps.


spotlight on eye health

Losing your vision as you get older is not inevitable. Any sudden loss of vision is a medical emergency and needs to be investigat­ed urgently, but there are many other, more subtle forms of gradual vision loss which deserve your attention.

A sure sign of getting older is that you wish your arms were longer so that you could focus on the fine print. This condition, called presbyopia, is caused by loss of flexibilit­y of the lens in your eye, affecting your ability to focus on objects close to you. The usual way of dealing with this is to wear prescripti­on glasses for reading and close work, but there are some surgical procedures, such as replacemen­t of the lens with an artificial multifocal lens.

Age-related macular degenerati­on (ARMD)

You may experience blurred or distorted central vision, difficulty reading or driving, or reduction in colour perception. A combined supplement containing zinc, copper, vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein and zeaxanthin may be prescribed.

ARMD is described medically as “wet” or “dry” type. Wet ARMD can be treated with injections of Lucentis directly into the eye, or laser procedures to prevent progressio­n of the disease.

There are a number of other age-related eye conditions which can cause your vision to decline. Some of these are treatable, so don’t just accept that it is an inevitable part of ageing.


Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventabl­e blindness. It is a condition which leads to increased fluid pressure in your eye, damaging the optic nerve. Risk increases if you have a family history. One in eight people will develop glaucoma, but half of the people with glaucoma in Australia do not know they have it, so regular testing is essential as you get older. Glaucoma can be controlled with eye drops and may need laser surgery.


Cataracts are opaque areas in the lens of your eye. The risk increases if you smoke, you have diabetes or take cortisone medication in the long-term. Lenses affected by cataracts can be removed and replaced with artificial lenses.

Diabetic retinopath­y

Diabetic retinopath­y is the damage caused to the retina by poorly managed diabetes. Only 50 per cent of Australian­s with diabetes have a regular eye examinatio­n. Careful management of diabetes with monitoring of blood sugar levels and eye health, diet, exercise and prescribed medication is important in the prevention of vision loss.

Dry eye syndrome

As you get older, your eyes can produce fewer tears. It’s particular­ly common in women after menopause. It may be a side-effect of some medication­s. Dry eye syndrome causes a tired, scratchy, stinging or irritated feeling. It can also result in intermitte­nt blurring of vision. It’s not possible to “cure” this condition, but it can be managed with drops or gels to replace tear production.

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