The Cairns Post

Young people struggle to get a foot in the door


MANY aspiring homeowners believe their chance of owning property is becoming further out of reach because they simply can’t afford it.

Despite interest rates remaining at record-low levels, new Galaxy research commission­ed by debt solutions company Fox Symes shows many Aussies are dishearten­ed about being able to make the great Australian dream come true.

House prices across the country have continued to soar – CoreLogic figures show dwelling values have risen by 7 per cent across all capital cities in the 12 months until August.

The research found one in three respondent­s say owning their own home is out of reach and for younger property hopefuls (18 to 34) two in three feel dishearten­ed about ever being able to have a home in their own name. Fox Symes director Deborah Southon says the findings highlight the reality aspiring homeowners face and their battle to get their foot on the property ladder. “It is a struggle to come up with a deposit for a home when you have to pay high rental costs, particular­ly in … cities,’’ she says.

“Many are paying well over the recommende­d 30 per cent of their wage on housing costs whether they own a place or not.”

The data shows those earning less than $100,000 a year face the biggest challenge – two in

five felt they had no option other than to keep renting. But 1300homelo­an’s director John Kolenda says hopeful buyers shouldn’t give up as there are other ways to crack into the market.

“We are seeing parents helping with assistance with a deposit or going guarantors on a property for their children by providing their home as equity for a loan,’’ he says.

“Otherwise some people go into a co-purchase with their children, but it’s important to be realistic, there are some affordable suburbs if you look at alternativ­e suburbs.”

He suggests borrowers have at least a 10 per cent deposit, but ultimately a 20 per cent deposit is ideal to avoid being stung with lender’s mortgage insurance.

 ??  ?? Lisa Christo, 24, is saving for an investment property rather than contributi­ng extra into superannua­tion. Picture: ROGER WYMAN
Lisa Christo, 24, is saving for an investment property rather than contributi­ng extra into superannua­tion. Picture: ROGER WYMAN
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