The Cairns Post

On croc management


They are a predator... who are we to decide if they die for doing what they do naturally. They don’t attack us in our own homes so why should we attack them in their own homes. Nikita, Cairns City

Culling crocs will not solve the problem, its cruel as they are in their natural habbitat and would tourists really bring commerce to Cairns if it’s more unlikly that they will get to see a croc. Shay, Cairns City

They destroy dogs for biting people. They relocate crocs for attacking people. Get real. Alan, Innisfail

Well Mr de Paauw you have missed a chance to become a real hero in your community, instead of a comic book hero. Enjoy your world trip. Rob, Innisfail

Re Rod Edge Hill (CP, 25/3) , no need for personal comments about my age or lifestyle. Culling crocs will never make river swimming safe, but if you think it will, swim at your own peril. Maggie, Kanimbla Hts

Maggie (CP, 24/3), culling crocodiles is not so people can swim in crocodile-infested rivers is about people’s safety at boat ramps or boat moorings like Russell Heads for example when fishing or running crab pots or snorkeling around the islands in crystal clear water the list goes on, culling doesn’t mean extinction. Fisherman, Babinda

I think it’s disgracefu­l when our iconic wildlife gets hunted down for being, well, wild. What’s next? Maybe we should cull cassowarys in case someone is harmed by one. If you don’t like the dangers of nature, stay inside or move south. Shane, Cairns.

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