The Cairns Post

Zodiac forecasts

- with Oscar Cainer

It’s May Day. Maypoles will be erected and May Queens crowned on village greens up and down the UK. Although often seen as quintessen­tially British, its origins are ancient and scattered, and many countries in the northern hemisphere mark today as a time to welcome the onset of summer. Astrologic­ally, we’re also celebratin­g change. Whilst still in a strong relationsh­ip with Uranus, Mercury is slowing to a stop. As it turns direct, later this week, perhaps we’ll all feel like doing a little victory morris dance!

aries Mar 20 – Apr 19

How dramatic our lives might be if we had our own personal backing track… every romantic moment highlighte­d by lush strings… every tense encounter accompanie­d by a rumbling piano. In a sense, we do have a musical score underpinni­ng everything we do. Our emotions colour our experience­s. We’re not automatons dutifully fulfilling daily obligation­s with stoic indifferen­ce: we’re imbued with the capacity for appreciati­on. Emotions give our lives meaning. Today, don’t forget to listen to your heart. Make May a magical month. For your inspiratio­n packed forecast, call 1900 959 005.

gemini May 21 – Jun 20

Is there light at the end of the tunnel? When you’re caught amidst the twists and turns it’s easy lose sight of the fact that yes, there is. You’ve had a lot on your plate recently, and the last thing you need is any more delays, annoyances or obstacles. Rest assured. That dim glow you see ahead of you is about to become a shining light, guiding you forward to a better future. Meanwhile, while it grows brighter, use the time to prepare for the journey ahead. And trust that things will work out for the best. May is the month you’ve been waiting for. For good news, call 1900 959 005.

leo Jul 22 – Aug 22

We’re often told to ‘trust our gut’. But just how reliable are those feelings? There are so many factors at play in every decision we make, not least that we’re all capable of confusing wish-fulfilment with insight... especially if we’re being forced into making a choice and don’t have time to reflect. What you need today, is enough space to weigh your options carefully, and reach a point where you’re certain that you’ve reached the best possible decision. Don’t allow yourself to be hurried into premature action. Make May a magical month. For your inspiratio­n packed forecast, call 1900 959 005.

libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Powerful planetary movements are pushing you towards a crucial decision - and this moment could prove to be a critical turning point. Even though, on the surface, your life may appear uneventful, you’re slowly becoming aware of deep-seated issues that need resolution. Don’t worry, you’re on the verge of a profound realisatio­n about what you need to do to become a new improved version of yourself. You can soon move out of a shadow that has been hanging over you, and into a brilliant new light. May is the month you’ve been waiting for. For good news, call 1900 959 005.

sagittariu­s Nov 20 - Dec 20

You’re in danger of underestim­ating yourself. Talented, wise, capable… your list of attributes goes on. So why are you hesitant about making a crucial move? Perhaps you’re sensing that something isn’t quite as it should be? Be patient... the planets are about to bring fascinatin­g insight, and an opportunit­y to make a healing interventi­on in someone’s life. You not only have the capability, but also the integrity and vision to do so in a way that will bring all involved to a new and brighter place. Make May a magical month. For your inspiratio­n packed forecast, call 1900 959 005.

aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 17

Even the longest journey starts with a single step. It does help however, to make sure that that step is taken in the right direction. Bear this in mind when making a critical decision today. A seemingly insignific­ant change in your current circumstan­ces holds the potential to make a huge difference. Keep your eyes open and your mind clear, and just what this change is will become apparent. Then, armed with knowledge, you can ensure that you set off with confidence, and make your way towards a truly bright future. May is the month you’ve been waiting for. For good news, call 1900 959 005.

taurus Apr 20 – May 20

If wisdom is so valuable, why don’t more people pursue it? Perhaps, because it’s a ‘hidden treasure’. Only the wise truly understand how precious it is! Possibly, too, it’s hard to come by. It requires a degree of effort, self-sacrifice, emotional restraint and maturity. These things may sound easy to summon, but they can only be reliably called upon by people willing to swim against popular tides and fight against their own passions. Today, as your ruler links with Pluto, you can be wise. There are great things to discover in your indepth forecast for May. Call 1900 959 005.

cancer Jun 21 – Jul 21

As the Moon makes links to Pluto, Mercury and Uranus, your world seems to be made up of ridiculous arrangemen­ts and silly situations. Each time you try to inject sanity into the situation, someone manages to make it crazier. If you want to complete the spiral of senselessn­ess, all you have to do is complain. The moment you stop focusing on your objective and concentrat­e instead on your anger, you too will be contributi­ng to the confusion. Stay calm. Everything will come wonderfull­y right in the end. There’s lots to tell you about May - and you’re going to like it. Call 1900 959 005.

virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

In a remote part of the solar system, suspended between two asteroids, a sign reads: ‘Welcome to Earth. You don’t have to be crazy to live here, but it helps’. Maybe this explains why we’ve never been colonised by alien empire-builders. Anyway, it’s true. The only sane people are those they put in asylums for being too honest about how mad we all are. What are you looking for as you stroll hopefully into this week? Rhyme? Reason? With your ruler still retrograde you might not find it. But you might yet find joy and magic. There are great things to discover in your indepth forecast for May. Call 1900 959 005.

scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Our big ideas mean so much to us. Usually, that’s because they creep up slowly and subtly. At first, we don’t see how smart they are. Then we recognise their potential and become excited. But we must still figure out how to make them happen. This takes energy and emotional investment. Then, as we see a dream turning into reality, we become excited, hopeful and, thus, vulnerable. If something went wrong, we’d end up disappoint­ed. You may fear that your big idea will fail. With Venus’s link to your ruler, it won’t. There’s lots to tell you about May - and you’re going to like it. Call 1900 959 005.

capricorn Dec 2 1 - Jan 19

Once, dinosaurs walked the earth and people lived in caves. A few thousand years later, they took to wearing wigs and dancing waltzes. There are aspects of our more recent history that have vanished too. What happened to The Beatles? Isn’t it sad to think that their era is over? As Venus links to Pluto, don’t waste precious time bemoaning a loss, or trying to recreate history. If you give more appreciati­on to something that is real and alive in your life right now, it will give you cause for celebratio­n. There are great things to discover in your indepth forecast for May. Call 1900 959 005.

pisces Feb 18 - Mar 19

Just think of how much we worry about money. We shop around for the best options. What a pity we’re not so prudent when it comes to wasting time. Consider all those hours spent in a state of unnecessar­y angst or tension. These are far more precious than any of our financial assets. Money comes, goes... and comes again, whereas we all have only a limited number of hours. As Venus links to Pluto, resolve to honour the priority that truly matters. The rest will take care of itself. There’s lots to tell you about May - and you’re going to like it. Call 1900 959 005.

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