The Cairns Post


Every Spectrum of green on show


YOU only need to look for one colour to know where the party’s at during the 2017 Great Barrier Reef Masters Games.

Netball team Spectrum started in 2002 and has quickly become well-known in Masters circles for their bright green attire, tough competitio­n, mascot Charlotte and plenty of fun off the court.

Half the team arrived in Cairns at 6am on Wednesday after catching a midnight flight from Perth only to find they were far too early for their hotel check-in, leading them to explore the Games Hub and Esplanade precinct.

Team spokeswoma­n Mardi Mules said Masters was all about “friendship and atmosphere” and everything seemed to be gearing towards another fun trip.

“We’re scattered all around Australia now, so the games bring us together, as well as friends that we only get to see at the games,” she said.

“This is our first time at the Great Barrier Reef Masters Games, a lot of us our first time in Cairns and so far it’s just absolutely beautiful and everything’s been magic and so smooth.”

Each hat is adorned with the first initial of the wearer, so they’re not too hard to track down if they go missing at the event or the various social events that starting with the march through Cairns to the welcome party at The Jack on Thursday night.

“We tend to be able to find each other with our hats,” Mules said.

“They sort of get wrapped up in special blue tissue paper all other times of the year but we’re never really seen without our green hats and we tend to have a theme each tour and this tour is: “In my defence, we were left unsupervis­ed”.

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