The Cairns Post

Protest numbers trivial


A CAIRNS bank was recently bothered by seven members of an anti-Adani group that claims 1100 members in the region.

Our region has about 285,452 people, so the anti-Adaniites represent just 0.4 per cent of the total population.

Just 0.6 per cent of that 0.4 per cent bothered showing up to bother the bank.

The bank-bothering anti-Adaniites seem to be just 0.002 per cent of our population, which is an even smaller number than the life-sustaining CO2 they’re so bothered about.

Why do our government­s bother listening to them? Peter Campion, Tolga 1054: Siward, Earl of Northumbri­a and Malcolm defeat Macbeth at Dunsinane, Scotland. 1836: The first 42 migrants to South Australia arrive at Kangaroo Island aboard the Duke of York. 1866: The first successful trans-Atlantic telegraph cable between England and the United States is completed. 1909: Orville Wright tests the US Army’s

first aeroplane for one hour, 12 minutes. 1921: Canadians Sir Frederick Banting and Charles Best isolate insulin for the first time. 1949: The British de Havilland Comet, the first jet-propelled airliner, makes its maiden flight. 1954: Britain and Egypt agree on terms to end 72 years of British control of the Suez Canal. 1965: US planes carry out first attacks against anti-aircraft missile sites in North Vietnam. 1974: The House Judiciary Committee votes 27-11 to recommend US President Richard Nixon’s (above) impeachmen­t on an obstructio­n of justice charge in the Watergate case. 1998: White House intern Monica Lewinsky ends six months of silence to talk with prosecutor­s investigat­ing her relations with US President Bill Clinton. 2003: Bob Hope, the British-born US

comedy legend, dies aged 100.

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