The Cairns Post

Gift won’t keep lights on


MALCOLM Turnbull has told us that under the new energy plan, the government’s generosity will be so great, that households can expect a massive $110 to $115 a year fall in their electricit­y bills. Is he joking or serious?

I am sure that the thousands of powerless pensioners and poor, after receiving this paltry electricit­y reduction, will be able to afford to have their power turned back on ... ha ha ha.

When my electricit­y bill totals $2400 a year ($600 a quarter), the government’s $110 is painful to say the least. Why isn’t the reduction $1000 a year?

Australia, with all the natural wealth in the world, has no government that can guarantee us cheap living standards. As far as cost-of-living expenses, we have become the most expensive country in the world to live in.

Some northern European countries might have higher taxes, but what they receive for their buck in return is far superior then what we get. The middle to low income earner, small farmer, small business owner has long given up on the dream of the once “lucky country”. The huge gap between rich and poor is widening on a daily basis like it is in the US and our government is blindly following America as an example of greatness. What a sick joke.

We are fast becoming a third world country indeed. Jerry Micola von Furstenrec­ht, Tolga

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