The Cairns Post

Zodiac forecasts

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with Oscar Cainer The Auriga were the most trusted slaves in ancient Rome. One of their roles was to whisper ‘you are only human’ into the ears of the conquering heroes to ensure that they would keep their feet on the ground. As tomorrow’s Solstice sees the Sun form a conjunctio­n with Saturn, which moves into Capricorn today, it’s hard to know who is master and who is slave. It may be Saturn’s homecoming, but it’s the Sun’s parade. Either way, a hard-won victory needs celebratin­g. But let’s keep our feet on terra firma.

aries leo libra Mar 21 – Apr 19

There’s a sense that, sometimes, you’re a bit like a line judge facing the tennis ace John McEnroe. No matter how many times the genius yelled ‘you can’t be serious!’ I never saw them change a call! Confronted with the doubt or criticism you’re currently facing, you too need to stick to your guns. As Saturn changes signs it brings the opportunit­y to cement your reputation. But it’s not the quick-drying kind. You still have time to reassess your views. Just make sure you find ones you can commit to. The Solstice and Saturn’s return home brings positive change! For great news, call 1900 959 005.

gemini May 21 – Jun 20

The last two years have had their challenges. There’s been drama and difficulty – but delight too. You’ve learnt a lot, and have reached new understand­ing about who you are and what makes you tick. But you’re sick of struggling to find the resources you need, and frustrated by people who don’t want to make necessary changes. You should feel a palpable difference as Saturn changes signs. You won’t need to face such intense pressure again for around another 30 years! The Solstice, and Saturn’s return can transform your world. Find out more! Call 1900 959 005.

Jul 23 – Aug 22

You don’t need to be in a rush. There’s plenty of time to slow down and evaluate the situation before dashing on with your priorities. You’ve come so far already – and you’ve certainly exceeded the expectatio­ns of those closest to you. Right now, you’re reaching the fulfilment of a long-term plan. It’s important that you take the steps you need to take with thought and care. Saturn is changing signs, and will soon be joined by your ruler. Get used to a new level of confidence. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return home can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.

Sep 23 - Oct 22

If you live in a country that gets lots of snow, you probably carry snow chains in your car. They provide friction on slippery roads. Saturn’s arrival in a new sector of the zodiac provides you with your own set of chains. It gives you a better grip on the intangible entities in your life. You’ll feel better equipped to deal with difficult experience­s and more able to cope with unexpected and unsettling developmen­ts. From now on, the chances are that you’ll enjoy new challenges. Your self-confidence is about to grow. The Solstice and Saturn’s return home brings positive change! For great news, call 1900 959 005.

sagittariu­s aquarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

You’ve been waiting for today for some time. This is the moment when finally, what’s been difficult begins to go well. It’s the moment that what’s seemed without hope begins to fill with potential and possibilit­ies. It’s the moment when Saturn moves out of your sign and into a new home. As it moves, it takes with it a feeling that you’ve been living with for the last couple of years. The sense that there’s always something challengin­g to confront is leaving you. Here comes a time when life can be easier. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return can transform your world. Find out more! Call 1900 959 005.

Jan 20 - Feb 18

The celestial changes that we’re currently experienci­ng don’t happen very often. For Aquarians, the movement of Saturn into a new sector of the sky is of special importance. Saturn is the traditiona­l ruler of your sign. Its new setting signals a new era for you. It’s as if you’re finally disembarki­ng after a long train journey and are beginning to explore the city you’ve arrived in. There’s a significan­t change in your surroundin­gs. You will, though, soon find a way of making yourself feel very at home. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return home can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.

taurus cancer virgo pisces Apr 20 – May 20

As Saturn moves into a new sector of the zodiac, it marks the start of a new phase of your life. Whenever it occurs (every two or three years), it heralds a change of pace, attitude and circumstan­ce. It introduces a new set of rules you need to play by. Things that seemed important, just a short time ago, may soon become irrelevant. If you carry on working towards the same targets, your means of achieving them will be different. What’s most important, is that this change will be positive. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return home can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.

Jun 21 – Jul 22

How do you feel about embracing change? Fine, as long as it doesn’t resemble someone you’d rather not get too near?! Don’t worry. Luckily, the change you need to embrace is not the urgent kind. You can take your time and get to know it before making the decision to get close and personal. Just make sure that you don’t get so used to it that it becomes a part of the furniture, and starts gathering dust. You’ll need to actively make moves if you want this to be as valuable as it could be. The Solstice and Saturn’s return home brings positive change! For great news, call 1900 959 005.

Aug 23 - Sep 22

As Saturn is moving into a new sector of the sky, you’ll need to get used to this feeling. This cosmic climate will be around for a couple of years. But, if you’re still feeling stuck in an undesirabl­e situation, or unsure of how to move ahead to happiness, that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing you can do to change things. On the contrary! Rather, whenever you take action on a decision, you’ll find out fast whether it’s a good idea or not. Make sure that the foundation for your plans are strong. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return can transform your world. Find out more! Call 1900 959 005.

scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Yesterday we talked about pursuing a great idea. I don’t want to suggest, though, that you have no choice about the direction you take. Every single one of us should feel free to make our own decisions. And even though, as Saturn’s changes signs, you may feel your options are limited, the only thing constraini­ng them is the limits that you impose on yourself. Your imaginatio­n is going from strength to strength. If you use it responsibl­y, you’ll make light work of any current bind. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return home can transform your life. Call 1900 959 005.

capricorn Dec 2 2 - Jan 19

Though you may not be aware, you’ve been waiting for today. We all have. Saturn is moving into your sign – for the first time in a generation. Is everything going to change? Will you still wake up in the same bed and eat the same thing for lunch? Probably! The shift, though dramatic, will make itself felt in more subtle ways. And, as the Solstice arrives and the Sun converges with your ruler, in your sign tomorrow, your level of confidence will begin to grow. Then, everything else will begin to flow. The Solstice and Saturn’s return home brings positive change! For great news, call 1900 959 005.

Feb 19 - Mar 20

We tend to keep our expectatio­ns low. We think that expressing our dreams – even to ourselves, is too bold and asking for trouble. Then, whenever something turns out to be a disappoint­ment, we can at least reassure ourselves that we were right not to set our sights too high. The trouble with luck is that it’s impossible to predict and hard to keep hold of! But, as Saturn now changes signs and Venus and Uranus align, you can allow yourself to be optimistic. You can hope and you can dream. The Solstice, and Saturn’s return can transform your world. Find out more! Call 1900 959 005.

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