The Cairns Post

Zodiac forecasts

- with Oscar Cainer What sign are you? Find out FREE at

Happy New… er… hello? Is anybody there? The likelihood is that many people reading this are a little bleary eyed from the night before… which is understand­able, as for much of the world today is a national holiday. Even in our ever-changing skies things are quiet. The real action starts tomorrow. That’s when the Super Moon arrives, making harmonious links with Neptune - and Uranus, planet of revolution, changes direction. Today, let’s enjoy the inertia before the pendulum swings once more. We’ve earned it.

aries Mar 21 – Apr 19

Happy New Year! Although not Happy New Astrologic­al Year! We have to wait for the time around your birthday to light the fireworks for that event. But it doesn’t mean that today won’t be significan­t. Uranus, the great change-maker, is motionless in your sign. As he prepares to move forward again tomorrow, what feels like a small step in the right direction can become a leap forward. Forget about doing things by the book. You’re not just starting a different chapter you’re beginning a new story. 2018 starts with a Super Moon! For your guide to the year, call 1900 959 005.

gemini May 21 – Jun 20

Whether you spent last night celebratin­g with friends, or with the TV for company, the New Year is a time for reflecting on our social networks. It’s true that you become like the company you keep. If you hang out with the rich, you’ll accumulate wealth. If you mix with intellectu­als, you’ll get smarter. If you spend time with narrowmind­ed folk … you get the picture! It’s worth thinking about the ethics of the person (or group) you’re forming closer bonds with. If you don’t approve, you can make a change. 2018 starts with a Super Moon! For your guide to the year, call 1900 959 005.

leo Jul 23 – Aug 22

Welcome to the New Year! It’s a time when you can delight in your dreams and rejoice in your aspiration­s. Rather than making resolution­s with a feeling of ‘should’ you can make them with a spirit of positivity. Then you’ll be able to uphold them! Our hopes and aspiration­s are the soul food of our lives. We need them to nourish us. Love too, is a necessary nutrient. And there is love in your world. It might not always be in the most ideal form, but it’s there. If you open your heart to what’s good, it can increase. 2018 starts with a Super Moon! For your guide to the year, call 1900 959 005.

libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

No matter that everyone seems to be reveling in the New Year, you feel as if you’re in a situation that offers little that’s worth celebratin­g. So how can you look forward with hope? Well, a new year desn’t automatica­lly bring miraculous solutions to our problems. But the celestial signs clearly suggest that before 2018 is fully underway, there’ll be good reasons for feeling differentl­y about something causing you concern. There’s a way to sort things out, and more hope ahead than you realise. 2018 starts with a Super Moon! For your guide to the year, call 1900 959 005.

sagittariu­s Nov 22 - Dec 21

I’m delighted to tell you that you enter 2018 with everything you need. What? You don’t agree? Well, dare I suggest that’s because you don’t yet exactly understand the nature of your requiremen­ts. As Uranus prepares to change direction, and with the Super Moon, in Cancer, linked to Neptune, it’s clear that the cosmos is offering an abundance of celestial support. What’s happening is happening for a reason. Behind what seems unsatisfac­tory lies the glimmer of hidden treasure. 2018 starts with a Super Moon! For your guide to the year, call 1900 959 005.

aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

Even with a super-powerful telescope, and the light of the Moon preparing to turn full, the chances of observing your motionless ruling planet are well nigh impossible. But, just because you enter 2018 with Uranus stationary, doesn’t mean that there’s no excitement to your prospects. There’s a subtle but powerful sense of ‘rightness’ to the start of your year. Tomorrow marks a turning point, and an opportunit­y for you to follow your instincts and make an illuminati­ng choice. 2018 starts with a Super Moon! For your guide to the year, call 1900 959 005.

taurus Apr 20 – May 20

You’re blessed with such a vivid imaginatio­n and creative attitude that you’re rarely taken by surprise. Neverthele­ss, the scenario you’re dealing with is making you confused and perplexed. It’s as if you’re trying to untangle a ball of wool, but no matter which end you follow, the knot gets more complicate­d. This is a calm day in the celestial realms. So, why not stop trying to unravel the puzzle and enjoy the start of the New Year! As Uranus changes direction tomorrow, you’ll see how to sort things out. The Super Moon adds to an inspiring celestial outlook. Call 1900 959 005.

cancer Jun 21 – Jul 22

2018 begins with the annual Full Moon in your sign. Not only is the Moon your ruler, but this is one of the few Super Moons of the year. If ever there was a sign to suggest a new beginning, this is it! Of course, new beginnings go hand in hand with endings. The two are inseparabl­e. But you don’t need to say goodbye to anything that you need to keep with you as you move into the year ahead. Chances are that you can gently let go of any extraneous baggage and move on unencumber­ed. The Super Moon adds to an inspiring celestial outlook. Call 1900 959 005.

virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

As you enter the New Year, listen to the sensitive voice of your intuition. Creative and perceptive inner wisdom is whispering words of inspiratio­n – which can help you to define your path through the year ahead. It’s easy to drown out the sounds of our deepest thoughts. We’re nervous that we might misinterpr­et them, and give too much credence to a passing thought or fancy. So instead, we allow suspicion to rule our decisions. Your intuition is powerful today. Trust it. The Super Moon adds to an inspiring celestial outlook. Call 1900 959 005.

scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

If the dawn of 2018 has a message for you, it’s that things don’t have to stay the same. Sometimes we accept what we really ought to change just because we’re used to it. We tend to put up with things because we think they will be temporary. But if we’re not careful, what promised to be a finite issue easily becomes part of our daily routine. There’s a part of your life that needn’t be so challengin­g. The New Year may just be beginning, but it brings you the initiative to help end a difficult situation. The Super Moon adds to an inspiring celestial outlook. Call 1900 959 005.

capricorn Dec 2 2 - Jan 19

Welcome to the beginning of a new year and a new era. With your ruler settling into your sign, there should be a palpable sense of relief as you look forward to what’s to come. Old problemati­c issues are beginning to resolve and there’s a scent of new opportunit­ies in the air. The Super Moon opposite your sign highlights the celestial promise that the cosmos can help you achieve what you need in order to feel that your life is on the right track. Contentmen­t will follow. The Super Moon adds to an inspiring celestial outlook. Call 1900 959 005.

pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

As Uranus prepares to change direction and we move into the light of a Super Moon, the year is off to a good start. Your creative juices are being highlighte­d. Whether you sing on stage or in the shower, dance in a tutu or in your kitchen, paint masterpiec­es or walls, you have the gift of being able to inspire people with your enthusiasm. You can take something and transform it into something better, more useful and more joyful. Allow the start of 2018 to bring you the success you deserve. The Super Moon adds to an inspiring celestial outlook. Call 1900 959 005.

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