The Cairns Post

Call for power competitio­n


FAR Northern householde­rs and business owners have been paying too much for electricit­y for decades.

It comes down to one reason: there is just one provider, Ergon Energy.

There’s no competitio­n so the government-owned corporatio­n has no reason to try to lower costs within the organisati­on so power prices can come down.

Last year its revenue was over $2 billion and its profit was $120 million.

In the south-east the energy market has been deregulate­d and there is competitio­n for customers.

The Queensland Government subsidises regional households and businesses to the tune of nearly $500 million a year as a community service obligation to maintain price parity between the regions and south-east Queensland.

But this can’t continue and the reality is competitio­n will force prices to come down.

South-east Queensland­ers have access to about 17 electricit­y retailers.

Even the State Government has entered the fray with Alinta Energy, headquarte­red in Perth, in partnershi­p with Queensland Government-owned CS Energy.

A 25 per cent, two-year discount is offered to new customers, saving an average household an estimated $350 on their bill across the 24 months.

So why not here Premier Palaszczuk?

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) has told the Queensland Competitio­n Authority that a deregulate­d market that mirrors south-east Queensland should be introduced in Cairns and Townsville.

We wholeheart­edly agree. Nick Dalton Deputy editor

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