The Cairns Post

Conversati­on on crossing


RE: Barry O’Brien (WP, 10/3). I ask what right does he have to tell those living north of the Daintree River what is best for them? Obviously Mr O’Brien has missed my point surroundin­g the Daintree River crossing.

I have always stated a conversati­on needed to be had surroundin­g a possible bridge crossing or second ferry crossing given the recent debacle. However, this is a discussion that needs to be had by affected local residents, not those living in Port Douglas and further afield.

It seems Mr O’Brien has little interest in the needs and wishes of those people living north of the river. Yes, people have chosen to reside, work and operate businesses north of the river. But they are sick and tired of people like Mr O’Brien telling them what they should do and what is best for them.

There was a time that Port Douglas was only assessible by a goat-track, had no major infrastruc­ture, mains power or mobile reception.

No doubt Mr O’Brien would be the first to complain if the services that support his lifestyle in Port Douglas were no longer available.

But he is more than happy to argue and deny others the same services he takes for granted.

It is time for everyone to put their own self-interest aside and give the north Douglas community a say in their own futures.

I make absolutely no apologies for advocating and facilitati­ng a discussion about a possible bridge or second river crossing on behalf of the people living north of the Daintree River. Warren Entsch, Federal Leichhardt MP

 ??  ?? SYMBOLIC: One reader believes Eureka represents fairness and liberty.
SYMBOLIC: One reader believes Eureka represents fairness and liberty.

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