The Cairns Post

Budget forgets battlers


NOW the dust appears to have settled after the handing down of the Budget, what actually has been done for the pensioners, the Aussie battlers?

I read with disgust when the government says the Budget is good for pensioners.

If you are fortunate enough to own your own home and or have a job, that’s fine, although I cannot see how re-mortgaging your home to supplement your pension can be beneficial.

We have a scenario where a husband and wife brought up a family of two or three children, fed them, clothed them and educated them.

The husband worked all his life, paid income tax, the family contribute­d by paying a multitude of taxes, while the wife stayed at home and ran the home.

The family has never been a burden on the system or to society and has never been in a financial position to buy/own their own home.

Now, the husband has passed away, the wife is now 72 years of age, never had a job, is now too old to be trained and at 72 no one will employ her.

There are thousands of people in Australia in this situation, they have paid taxes all their lives for you to have good wages and a nice pension.

What have you done for them? Sold them down the river. So, no home, no job, no hope. Thanks for that. Tom Phillips, Mt Sheridan

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