The Cairns Post

Killer a ‘time bomb’

School coach warned of ‘sadistic’ kid who turned shooter


A SECOND high school coach of the gunman who killed 12 people at a Southern California bar recalled him as volatile and intimidati­ng, and said that repeated complaints to school administra­tors about his behaviour failed to prompt any discipline.

Evie Cluke coached Ian David Long on Newbury Park High School’s track team in 2007 and 2008. In an interview, she said Long was a “ticking time bomb” who constantly lost his temper, threw tantrums and would scream at coaches when he didn’t like their decisions.

She said she once witnessed him assault a fellow coach.

That coach, Dominique Colell, said Long grabbed her rear and midsection after she refused to return a mobile phone.

Another time, he used his hand to mimic shooting her, Ms Colell said, adding that she feared for herself whenever she was around him.

Ms Cluke said she also witnessed Long pretending to shoot Ms Colell. “When Dominique turned around and saw that, she turned pale as a ghost and it was very, very scary,” Ms Cluke said.

“Just sadistic ... He was out of control. He would scream and cuss and his face would turn bright red and people would actually back away from him.” Long, a 28-year-old former Marine machine-gunner who served in Afghanista­n, opened fire during college night at the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks on Wednesday night.

He killed 11 people and a police officer who responded, and then fatally shot himself, police said. Authoritie­s have not determined a motive.

Ms Colell kicked Long off the track team immediatel­y after he assaulted her, but she and Ms Cluke said the boy’s track coach urged her to reconsider because that could compromise Long’s goal of joining the Marines.

The head track coach, Ms Cluke said, reversed Ms Colell’s decision.

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