The Cairns Post

On other matters


Tel Aviv vs. Jerusalem. Would Australia support moving our capital city to Mt Isa? Rhonda Woods, Cairns (CP, 17/12) Cairns man breaches his probation and parole orders for sexual assault on minor for third time. Judge doesn’t reactivate return to jail clause, instead lets him walk free with yet another slap on wrist. When is our judicial system going to get real on these grubs? How many more young kids have to suffer at hands of these grubs before judges get tough? This is getting so sad watching so many offenders of serious crime walk with slap on wrist. Kax, North Cairns Just loved the cartoon (CP, 17/12) of a boat mistaking the Bruce Highway for the Cairns inlet. Next time can the cartoonist draw some refugees on the boat? We are the forgotten Far North. Glad, Mareeba ScoMo’s Israeli embassy debacle (CP, 17/12) shows what a Turnbull clone he is. He floats policy thought bubbles for the media to pop. Setting policy by populist media reaction is not true leadership, ScoMo. Pterodacty­l Trev, Cairns John Pratt, (CP, 17/12). What our children need, bloke, is to not have you and your ilk jam unproven garbage down their throats and terrify them. They are demanding nothing, just vomiting up green trash. Bill, Mooroobool Labor wants to increase refugee numbers to 30,000. By that they mean zero white Christian English-speakers from South Africa and 30,000 brown and Black Muslim non-English speakers from North Africa. Ray, Trinity Beach Re: speed reduction in Cairns CBD. Just another dumbing down of the majority project. So that we help create more, than accept no responsibi­lity for anything, let alone their life. Tony, Cairns Well done Cairns Taipans, 11 in a row. Let’s make it 12 on Thursday against the Kings. Melinda, Mt Sheridan

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