The Cairns Post

On other matters


On “federal” road funding (CP, 05/01), all govt money comes from taxpayers. Bureaucrac­ies just reduce the amount spent productive­ly. We’d get better value if all road funding went straight to local govts. Miss T, Tolga More bollards of peace being installed in Melbourne (CP, 05/01). Funny how they weren’t needed prior to the import of the culture that cannot be named. Rodger R, Redlynch Politics. In regards to drug testing rail employees. Nobody should have a problem with this. But at the same time politician­s of all persuasion­s should be under the same obligation to mandatory drug testing. As some of the decisions that these people make affect all of our future’s in some way. Icarus, Atherton I was made redundant in late 2017. I applied for a position with a labour hire company and was told to improve my chances I should do some courses. Working at heights, confined spaces. All the usual mine stuff. I completed the courses, received my tickets, reapplied for four more positions with same company. Not a single reply. The courses cost me $15. The govt paid the company who knows how much. I’m 59 with a bunch of useless tickets. John, Woree Our Premier was described in a letter in your paper as being the “clown in charge” and after reading in the Sunday Mail 06/01 about the shortage of police I’m wondering about teachers, nurses etc. Robert, Earlville Re: Story ‘Gearing up for school expenses’. Term one starts on Tuesday 29/1/2019 not 22/1/2019 as stated by the reporter in the story. I always go on the Queensland Government site to confirm school dates because of such cases. Shell, Gordonvale Labor Party, take notice, self-managed superfund tax changes means no retiree will vote for you. We work hard all our lives, pay our taxes, we go without and budget like crazy to support our own retirement and don’t put our hand out for taxpayers money, isn’t that enough? Now you want to remove legal tax credits on dividends and reduce our income just because you can’t balance the books. Well I say enough is enough. You can give away billions in overseas aid, pay bludgers till their dying day, support single mums who use their bodies as a career path but can’t leave self-funded retirees alone to live out the rest of their lives with a decent level of income. After all we’ve worked hard to get to this point. Beth, Kanimbla

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