The Cairns Post



WITH the fantastic wet season this year we can expect a great year on mud crabs and prawns in our local estuaries.

Over the next few months mud crabs should be in excellent numbers in most of our estuary and river systems with set pots the most popular method to target these seafood deliciousl­y. My favourite baits include fresh fish frames especially oily fish like mackerel, salmon and large mullet heads, along with chicken frames. Ensure when baiting that the bait can’t be accessed from out of the pot and the pot is flat on the bottom when set. The best tides are the building tides up to the new and full moons.

There should also be a good run of prawns with cast netting the most popular method of capture. When deciding on a net look for a good quality one with 3/4 inch mesh in either a top pocket, specially designed for prawns, or a drawstring which allows quick removal from the net and quicker repeat casts. Prawns are best targeted on the flats as the water drains out of the mangroves and drains. Not only are these prawns the top live and dead bait for almost all species but most of them are banana prawns and are great on the dinner plate.

Mud crabs in Queensland must be a minimum of 15cms across the carapace and only male crabs can be kept with a bag limit of 10 per person.

Prawns have no legal size limit but a maximum of 10 litres can be taken.

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