The Cairns Post

Praise for vigilant banana growers facing Panama


BANANA growers across Far North Queensland have been praised for their efforts in containing and preventing the spread of the deadly Panama disease.

This month marks four years since Panama tropical race 4 was first detected in the region, devastatin­g growers and the industry.

But with the diagnosis came heightened biosecurit­y measures, which has helped reduce the spread.

To date, only three farms have been infected.

Australian Banana Growers Council chairman Stephen Lowe said that was a credit to the measure growers had put in place on their properties.

“When Panama tropical race 4 was first detected in North Queensland four years ago it was a devastatin­g time for all involved in the banana industry,” he said.

“However, growers have definitely stepped up to the challenge.

“Their dedication, combined with the efforts of government and researcher­s, has resulted in the disease being contained to just three farms.

“This is quite an incredible achievemen­t as no other country with this disease has been able to minimise the spread of TR4 in a similar way.”

While biosecurit­y measures are proving a success, Mr Lowe said it was vital that they continue.

“We can’t afford to become complacent,” he said.

“Panama TR4 is here to stay and it will spread.

“It is up to all of us to ensure we continue to make every effort to safeguard our industry and keep that spread as slow as possible, while work is done behind the scenes to find resistant varieties.”

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