The Cairns Post

On other matters


DTMR why does it seem impossible - in this day and age of innovation in the tropics - to build roads that are able to withstand the climate? Or to match the level of resurfacin­g to the existing road surface? The repairs make bad roads worse every repair for uncoordina­ted services, to potholes, manholes, rail tracks. Why can’t repairs be level with the road? A. Bentley Park

I have come up with the perfect data storage system, so simple its laughable. Write it down in longhand running writing taking extra care with spelling and punctuatio­n. Then simply store it in a moisture-proof cupboard! Thanks to our marvellous education system, anyone under 40 who finds said data will not be able to read running writing, especially if it is punctuated correctly. Simple, huh? Andy, Herberton

Re: Letter of the Week, Stop add Coolant. Just imagine driving in the outback, with hundreds of kms between towns and stations, and no telephone reception. When the car stops the fridge will wear your battery dead and you won’t have a coldie. Give me a non computeris­ed old vehicle any day. Glad, Mareeba

Can you read this? Thank your parents. Not for your literacy; for not aborting you. Helen, Woree

The Mueller investigat­ion has found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. The US media, and our ABC, have just beclowned themselves for two full years. It’s time we dumped the ABC. It’s broken. Zalika, Machans Beach

I agree with Greg of Cairns. I have to pay my bus fares daily at the full amount not concession and not free. Why is this so? Cath, Bentley Park

Now that everyone has had their say on renewable energy let me ask “What base load power are we going to use?”. Since 28/11/16, there are 450 nuclear power plants with an installed electric capacity of about 392GW in operation around the world. A further 60 with 60GW capacity are under constructi­on in 16 countries. Europe and other countries can afford a high carbon target because they already have a base load power of clean energy, nuclear. Therefore they can go 100% renewable energy by 2030. With Australia not having a single nuclear power station how can we even hope to achieve this target. Remember regardless of a carbon target we still need a base load power source. Merlin, Bentley Park

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