The Cairns Post

Joining forces to help


WITH pictures and vision of the devastatio­n happening down south dominating our day-to-day lives recently, many community groups have raised their hands to help.

The Cassowary Coast Regional Council has teamed up with the Salvation Army to raise funds for the National Bushfire Appeal.

The annual citizenshi­p and awards ceremony on Australia Day will be used as a fundraiser for the cause.

Mayor John Kremastos said it was the Cassowary Coast community’s way of reciprocat­ing the generosity shown when they were battling calamities of their own with cyclones Larry and Yasi.

“At the time of those two natural disasters Australian­s stepped up to help the Cassowary Coast community,” Mr Kremastos said.

“This will let our mates down south know – ‘we are with you, we are with you right now and we are with you for the long road ahead’.”

The Local Disaster Management Group for the Cassowary Coast, which consisted of local firefighte­rs, police, ambulance, hospital, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Maritime Safety and SES, will all come together to assist with collecting donations.

In addition, the Gordonvale Lions Club will be holding a special fundraiser next Tuesday at Norman Park from 5.30-6.30pm.

Lions Club president Denise Bewert said the idea was raised by a community member.

“They contacted me and, as a Lions club, our onus is to help people in need,” Ms Bewert said.

Ms Bewert also heard feedback from Gordonvale residents about what to do as a community to help bushfire victims.

“We’re getting call-outs on the streets of Gordonvale,” Ms Bewert said.

“They’ve been wanting to do something at the local level that’s going to help the local community in Victoria and New South Wales.”

Lions club members are very keen to get out there and help communitie­s in the affected bushfire areas.

“We’re all saying it is such a worthwhile cause,” Ms Bewert said.

“We feel guilty because we have this wonderful lifestyle here in the Far North and we see the stress that the other families are going through down south.

“(The fundraisin­g drive) is something we can do and makes us feel we’re contributi­ng to something.”

The Lions club aims to partner with an affected Lions club down south.

“There’s no administra­tion costs and all funds are going to the people,” she said.

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? HELPING HAND: Cassowary Coast Local Disaster Management Group co-ordinator Andrew Portelli, Cr Rick Taylor, Cr Mark Nolan, Cr Glen Raleigh, Ben Johnson (Salvation Army), Cr Jeff Baines, Gwen Johnson (Salvation Army), Cr Ben Heath, Mayor John Kremastos and Deputy Mayor Wayne Kimberly.
Picture: SUPPLIED HELPING HAND: Cassowary Coast Local Disaster Management Group co-ordinator Andrew Portelli, Cr Rick Taylor, Cr Mark Nolan, Cr Glen Raleigh, Ben Johnson (Salvation Army), Cr Jeff Baines, Gwen Johnson (Salvation Army), Cr Ben Heath, Mayor John Kremastos and Deputy Mayor Wayne Kimberly.

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