The Cairns Post

Students Zoom in to reconcilia­tion assembly



ON Friday, May 29 at 1.45pm OLHOC students had their first whole school assembly by Zoom. Each class was sitting down in their own room waiting for the assembly to start.

Mrs Kathy Fleming (APRE) had filmed the assembly on Thursday and the theme was National Reconcilia­tion Week.

Mrs Fleming started the assembly but when she shared her screen so that we could watch the video there was no sound.

We had to show with a thumbs up or thumbs down if it was working. We were disappoint­ed that she couldn’t get it to work. We had to do other work instead.

On Monday, June 1 at 8.25am Mrs Fleming tried again with another Zoom session. The sound worked for most classes but 3P still couldn’t hear it properly.

The assembly started with a speech from our school captains followed by the national anthem.

The prayer was about National Reconcilia­tion Week and some of the indigenous students read the prayers. Then we listened to a song called The

Spirits Are Calling Me by some indigenous high school students.

Next was the presentati­on of SEL awards. Mrs Fleming had filmed every teacher reading out the winner for each class.

Then Mr Felstead, the principal, delivered a three-minute speech.

When he finished we sang a song called One People, One Land by Monica Brown and it had pictures that matched the words.

At the end there was a photograph of some prep and year 1 Aboriginal/ Torres Strait Islander students holding different symbols.

It was 11 weeks since there had been an assembly at OLHOC. Some students didn’t like it in the classroom because they didn’t get to see everyone. Others liked it because it was cooler.

Mrs Fleming said it took two days to set up the video. She is hoping the next assembly video will work first time.

 ?? Picture: KATHY FLEMING ?? ONE VOICE: (back row) Gurrunggur­r Pryce, Allyanna Waigana, Olivia Gong, Waii Tamwoy, Lamana Mast; (front row) Eloise Windsor, Callum HarwoodMcP­aul, Maniah-Jean Allum, Aivah Juniper-Martin, Willow See Kee hold up symbols to represent National Reconcilia­tion Week.
Picture: KATHY FLEMING ONE VOICE: (back row) Gurrunggur­r Pryce, Allyanna Waigana, Olivia Gong, Waii Tamwoy, Lamana Mast; (front row) Eloise Windsor, Callum HarwoodMcP­aul, Maniah-Jean Allum, Aivah Juniper-Martin, Willow See Kee hold up symbols to represent National Reconcilia­tion Week.

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