The Cairns Post



We’re coming to the time of year when the clocks shift, and our relationsh­ip with the dark changes. While those in the southern hemisphere have extra time in the light, northern souls adapt to spend more hours in the dark. But with the Sun’s imminent move into Scorpio, just after Pluto makes a supportive link with Venus, there’s no need for anyone to fear the hidden aspects of darkness.

Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.


There’s a lot of informatio­n about wands in the Harry Potter books and movies. Most kids have one to help them weave magic spells. Yet nowhere is it suggested that the wands themselves contain power. It was the people holding them who wielded supernatur­al forces; they just used the wooden sticks to focus their energy. This is relevant, because you feel as if an important resource is missing from your life. Yet even without it, there’s much you can do. Your inner strength works magic. Uncertain? There’s a special message for you when you call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

There are thousands of politician­s on our planet, each filled with a sense of civic responsibi­lity and a desire to make the world a better place. They work tirelessly in pursuit of justice, freedom, and equality. They seek answers. They’d never intend to stir up discord or, heaven forbid, start arguments for the sake of it. If they might be perceived to disagree, it’s only in the service of the nation they serve. Your loyalty to a cause that’s close to your heart wins you respect today.Hmmm... don’t believe everything you hear today. Uncertain? There’s a special message for you when you call 1300 017 319.


Since the cosmos is huge beyond our understand­ing, how, amongst all its responsibi­lities, cares and concerns, does it find time to ensure your dreams are fostered, your opportunit­ies nourished, and your desires upheld? Well, it’s comprised of billions of tiny forces that harmonious­ly work on your behalf. The one and only thing that stands in their way is your fear that you don’t deserve such aid. Don’t give negative thoughts the light of day today. You deserve everything you have. Uncertain? There’s a special message for you when you call 1300 017 319.


Have you ever watched people with metal detectors at work? They move along the beach in search of buried treasures, waiting for the beeping sound that tells them that there’s something hidden in the stones and sand. Life is a bit like that. When we’re young, we set out for the open road, hoping to find our fortune. After a while, we realise there are more empty drink cans than diamond rings. Yet, your inner detection system is working well today. You can find something precious. Worried? There’s a special message for you when you call

1300 017 319.


Even though the bell on the metaphoric­al bus might be going ‘ding, ding, ding’ and the wipers ‘swish, swish, swish’, if the wheels aren’t going round and round, there’s a problem and no one, no matter how well they join in the song, will be going anywhere. Today, it would be wise to prioritise pivots and levers. You have the ability to oil the wheels of a psychologi­cal process, so that it moves with ease, and then steer it towards a place you want to get to. Things are moving forwards.

Worried? There’s a special message for you when you call

1300 017 319.


Innovative cereal brands market their products at kids rather than adults. As we get older, we tend to get more conservati­ve in our choices. Even those of us who manage to maintain a taste for novelty and adventure don’t want to experience it for breakfast! There’s a time and a place for advocating that someone might want to consider making changes to their life. If you’re trying to influence the way a key person responds to a piece of informatio­n, just bide your time. The right moment is nearly here. Worried? There’s a special message for you when you call 1300 017 319.


Medical trials rely on ‘placebos’. While one group is given the active drug, the other receives a sugar pill; and the scientists compare the results. What’s fascinatin­g, is that often the placebo performs as well (and even outperform­s) the actual drug. The participan­ts’ belief that they’re swallowing something that could help their condition is enough to relieve some of their symptoms. Today, you may find that a change of outlook has the power to make an almost unimaginab­le difference. Confused? There’s a special message for you when you call 1300 017 319.


When did the hero factories shut down? During the great depression of the 1930s? The recession of the noughties? Or was it longer ago? Do we need to look back to our romantic medieval past to find shining knights and valiant deeds? No champion will be riding on a white horse to save you today. But that’s not a problem - because you don’t need one. Everything necessary to help overcome this situation is exactly where it needs to be. The heroic powers you need are within you. Confused? There’s a special message for you when you call 1300 017 319.


In days gone by, we all had a sense of direction. We recognised local monuments, and could find our way from A to B without too much trouble. Nowadays we can too... it’s just that we tend to rely on a mechanised voice that dictates our movements. While satnavs are usually reliable, they’re undiscerni­ng devices. Sure, this route might save you a minute or two but it involves taking a blind corner, and there’s a much safer, better alternativ­e. Don’t risk losing something you value for an insignific­ant gain. Confused? There’s a special message for you when you call 1300 017 319.


Humans have an odd way of looking at the world. We can’t seem to help but assume that everyone has the same views as we do, and are surprised when this isn’t the case. When life is plain sailing, those difference­s are irrelevant; they only surface when there’s a problem or a point of conflict. After all what’s the point of arguing when there’s nothing to argue about! You’ve become aware that a key person’s views are different to your own. There’s no need to fuel that difference today. Anxious? There’s a special message for you when you call

1300 017 319.


There’s an old kids TV show that features glove puppets called Sooty and Sweep. Sooty had a magic wand which he waved, whilst uttering a special phrase to make fantastica­l things happen. Except, Sooty didn’t say anything - he was mute. It was up to the puppeteer, who pretended to hear his whispers, to pronounce the spell. It’s easy to do that kind of trick on TV. Yet today, you’ll find that certain words, if spoken at the right time in the right way, can have a very magical effect.

Anxious? There’s a special message for you when you call

1300 017 319.


How do you like the idea of a forecast in which I go on and on about seemingly irrelevant topics that draw you into a ridiculous, time-wasting argument about a trivial situation? Here’s an idea: we could both get so involved in a discussion that we forget what we’re actually talking about! No! Don’t be drawn into any metaphoric­al rabbit holes or follow my example! Use the cosmic gift of precision and clarity being offered. The only reason to complicate an issue is if a diversion suits your purposes. Anxious? There’s a special message for you when you call 1300 017 319.

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