The Chronicle

457 Visa used to employ hookers

- Joe Hildebrand News Corp

THE controvers­ial 457 “skilled worker” visa has been used to bring in “massage therapists” who are then used for prostituti­on, secret documents reveal.

The documents, obtained by, reveal this was one of many “occupation­s of concern” identified by an independen­t review, commission­ed by the government in 2014, into the 457 program.

In a section marked “Massage Therapist”, the paper notes: “This addresses concerns about potential use of this occupation in a prostituti­on setting. While lodged nomination numbers are very low, they are increasing and it is considered that the Australian community would be very concerned about such positions being filled with overseas workers.”

A source close to the review said the government knew of such cases.

“The government has been aware that 457 visas are being used to exploit people for prostituti­on for some time,” the insider told, on condition of anonymity.

The document notes a rise in the lodgement of massage therapist applicatio­ns, as well as the number of those being rejected.

“Refusal and lodgement rates are also increasing,” it states.

The document’s “Proposed risk treatments for occupation­s of concern” recommends excluding any “massage therapist” positions that “are not full-time”, “are not located in a therapeuti­c setting” or “involve the provision of massage for relaxation purposes”.

Other occupation­s of concern identified were “hair or beauty salon managers” who were in fact sales assistants or beauty therapists, “transport and company managers” who were in fact truck drivers, “importers and exporters” who were in fact low-skilled clerks and even “animal attendants and trainers”, which could include someone working in a piggery.

The unreleased document gives unpreceden­ted insight into why the Federal Government launched a major crackdown on 457 visas last week – a move some on the Left have denounced as xenophobic, but which unions say does not go far enough in tackling employer rorts.

As at September 30 last year, there were 95,757 workers in Australia on primary 457 visas.

The program will be replaced by a two-tiered visa program with more restrictio­ns and greater skills tests, but those already here on 457 visas will continue under the same program they entered under.

In announcing the change, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said it would prevent employers rorting the system to bring in unskilled foreign workers.

“It will ensure foreign workers are brought into Australia in order to fill critical skill gaps and not brought in simply because an employer finds it easier to recruit a foreign worker than go to the trouble of hiring an Australian,” Mr Turnbull said.

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