The Chronicle




1. Hunting call uttered in a London Square (4)

3. What a policeman uses to break into locks? – keeps it in his hair! (5,3)

9. Agent “Mo” had a picture of pictures (7)

10. I heard it is a fight over the material (5)

11. Do they stop on the side of the road to pry? (5,7)

13. To hold back on some of the counter measures is to put up a fight ... (6)

15. ... and chase us to Peru (6) 17. Exaggerate like you do with mortar on brick (3,2,2,5) 20. Prettify the PR for the rascal (5)

21. Descriptiv­e of the 70s? It may suit her (7)

22. Yet it is not a place for bad canines (3,5)

23. Minute steaks arrive with the farm vehicles (4)


1. Men Syria send off to theology school (8)

2. See 14

4. Head-ons cannot happen in this street (3-3)

5. Wrecking balls are a big hit at the movies (12)

6. The Arctic bear is the north star (7)

7. The German says no to the club selection (4)

8. Orchid that may foot the bill for women (5,7)

12. The fragility of snakes we sorted out (8)

14 & 2dn. The best way of greeting the nervous workers? (7,5)

16. She sounds like a capital sort of girl (6)

18. Annuities Sean left out for the Eskimo (5)

19. Went quickly and scarpered without the racer (4)


Across: 7. Obeyed, 8. Cicero, 10. Norwich, 11. Crown, 12. Even, 13. Among,

17. Slyly, 18. Zero, 22. Unity, 23. Oceanic, 24. Circus, 25. Dog-ear.

Down: 1 & 19dn. Counter punch, 2. Terrier, 3. Serif, 4. Piscine, 5. Heron, 6 & 16dn. Going concern, 9. Chameleon, 14. Plays up, 15. Vernier, 20. Liars,

21. Felon.

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