The Chronicle




1. An ears fix that is fashioned for women (4,3) 5. Emerson will do law? (5) 8. Will put on in car as ma drives around (7)

9. Cameroun cedars have a small weight (5)

10. Cad wept about redhead (5) 11. On the way in, French road to be travelled (2,5) 12. Gnomic advent? (6) 14. These animals are big blubbers we hear (6)

17. We say he is talking rubbish! (3-4)

19. Girl goes west to start again (5) 22. You need adroit arithmetic to get percentage back (5)

23. Fell by a strange event but was able to get it off the ground (7) 24. Stink gets right to the point


25. I pity me for my irreverenc­e (7)


1. Perfume to die for contains a highly flavoured substance (5)

2. Susie arranged the publicatio­n (5)

3. Japanese small change gets musical instrument to raise a semitone (7)

4. Cross for Raymond and Edward to get radiated (1-5)

5. Caught her? Sounds like he is trying (5)

6. A gull in derivative of the tongue (7)

7. Breakfast could be eels, Tom (7)

12. Brighten up and finalise (5,2) 13. Master Duck rearranged the virtuoso (7)

15. Give prod to get cracking! (5,2)

16. Higgledy-piggledy huts if you have one of these. Have a look! (6)

18. Mango in a crowd (5) 20. Hear, hear! Peer tells no bovine untruths (5)

21. Yep! We were very tearyeyed (5)

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