The Chronicle




17 Growing older 18 Not present 20 Fly in one place 21 Building covers 23 Tall buildings 24 Security 25 Wrote with a pen 27 Thin fabric 29 Horse’s gear 33 Delicate in substance 34 Discoloure­d 38 Correct 40 Growths on heads 42 Arena with seats 45 Turns inside out 47 Defeat 49 Say 50 Not sleeping 51 Jockey 52 Supernatur­al little person 53 Follow naturally 54 Go in pursuit 56 Declares 58 Whirled around 60 Guards 62 Religious song 64 Went furtively 65 Lacking sense 66 Condiment set 67 Build 69 A symbol 72 Of punishment 74 Gems 75 Relaxation 77 Ointment 80 Not well (Coll) 83 Church seats 85 Hind parts of ships 88 Give new instructio­ns to 90 Play again 93 One who donates 94 Fish eggs 95 Arabian name 96 A dance 97 Godly character 98 Part of ocean 99 Large highways 100 Lacking moisture 101 System of graphic symbols 102 Discussed sensibly 104 Colouring Solution to Giant 421 substance 106 Sore on an eye 108 Burn slightly 111 Students 113 Flowing smoothly 117 Lived outdoors 120 Get rid of 121 Moves to and fro 123 Talk 125 Dishonest trader 126 Checks ledgers 128 A shrub 129 Expel 130 Open sports car 133 Plunge forward 136 Those to whom money is due 137 Start again 138 Stiffening substance 139 Clothing designers 143 Old Russian rulers 145 Went by air 147 Conjecture 148 Coal carrying ships 152 Controllin­g a game 154 Part of a fish 155 Particular occupation 156 Kind of vase 158 Precious stones 159 Even 160 First woman 161 A fish 162 Not warranted 163 Treat as a pet 166 Arguments 167 Threw up 170 Snakes 172 Animal 175 Car parts 178 Cease 180 Small glass balls 181 Written compositio­n 182 Bedecks 184 Father 185 Beg 186 Take without permission 187 Core 188 Sign of allegiance 191 Highest 195 Use 198 Changed 202 Scatter water 205 Helpful item 206 A fraction 207 Heated 208 Polished stone adornment 209 Broke open 210 Circled 211 Branched horn 212 Doped 213 Attend to 214 Keep waiting 217 Set free 222 Obliterate­s 225 Appearance­s to the eye 229 Nimble 231 Fibrous plant 232 A poisonous resin 233 Pointing at something 234 Bow-shaped 235 Hospital worker 236 Smiles smugly 237 Kingdom


1 Burning mass 2 Woodwind instrument 3 Whip 4 Untruthful person 5 Leer at 6 Jokers 7 Sailing vessel 8 Noticed 9 Cause worry 10 Type of knot 11 Times 12 Flightless bird 13 Smooth 14 Very dry 15 Create 16 Lateral part 18 Cunning 19 Black pitch 22 Musical dramas 26 Behaves theatrical­ly 28 Attain 30 Betting pools 31 Push rudely 32 Issue suddenly 35 Carrying dishes 36 Ice house 37 Water bird 39 Of birth 41 Use sugar in food 42 Moves on ice 43 Prayer book 44 Read over 46 Interfere with 47 Turn to ice 48 Store fodder 49 Assume as true 55 Sharp 57 Small gutters 58 Supplement 59 Gloomy 61 Imitate 63 Be of use 68 Prepared 70 Insanity 71 Raise 73 Part of stage 76 Appoint 78 Ventilates 79 Truthfulne­ss in speaking 81 Ground for belief 82 Moral obligation 84 Base type of person 86 String 87 Wet season 88 Equip again 89 Chores 91 Part of a flower 92 Love affair 103 Briskness 104 Any chair (coll) 105 Words formed from other words 107 Tries out 109 Items of dress 110 Print measures 112 A short narrative 113 Type of swordsman 114 Guides 115 Settles in 116 Curved like a sphere 118 Hot condiment 119 Wet thoroughly 122 Takes away strength 124 Meat from younger animal 127 Impertinen­ce 131 Dismissed 132 Inability to hear 134 In helpful manner 135 Liquid vapour 140 Musical time 141 Parts of the body 142 Moves 144 Rescued 145 Sharply defined 146 Put in writing 147 Units of heredity 149 A crude shelter (4-2) 150 Graven images 151 Line of raised ground 153 Sheen 154 Chimney duct 157 Unclothed 158 Solid 164 Not flighty 165 Most simple 168 Goes against 169 Take an oath 171 Annoy 172 Cowshed 173 Became less severe 174 Opinions 175 Very sad 176 Hold back 177 Small mark 179 Dealt in goods 182 Cutting implement 183 Coy 189 Speak harshly to 190 Voluble talker (Coll) 192 Make amends 193 Old weapon 194 Simmers 196 Ill-bred animals 197 Eats too much 199 Old Greek instrument­s 200 Bird of prey 201 Throw out 203 Solemn promise 204 Blacksmith’s block 215 Shortage 216 Thread 217 Tear apart 218 Type of fat 219 Long times 220 Resound 221 Boast 222 Unit of energy 223 Female relative 224 Fail to hit 225 An illness 226 Portion 227 Small talk 228 Identical 229 Land measure 230 Thought

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